Cat Jazz

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It was evening when all the children were practicing some musical instruments in hopes to earn themselves a music badge. Fawn: "Now remember kids, practice helps you get better with your instruments." Jokey: "Hey uh... is mayonnaise an instrument?" Fawn: "No Jokey, mayonnaise is not an instrument." Jokeo: "And before you ask Jokey, no, horseradish is not an instrument either." Jokey: "Oh." Fawn: "Now while you practice, I'll be in the ladies room for a bit." said Fawn, before she left the room where the kids were, and then Boney 10 came to the scene. Boney 10: "Hey kids, what cha doing?" Peter: "Uh... isn't that..." Fluff: "A demon dragon?!" Melody: "Don't worry, Mr Boney 10 here is a good Demon dragon, he saved us from the Demon Trio one time." Flopsy: "For real?, I thought all demons were evil?" Boney 10: "Some are... but not all of them... anyway, practicing some music?" Mopsy: "Uh huh, we sure are." Cottontail: "Yup." Marie: "This should be easy, me and my brothers practice music everyday back home." Oliver: "Really?" Berlioz: "Yeah, though it's usually me playing the piano while Marie sings... and Toulouse putting paint on the keys." Toulouse: "It's not my fault that you guys do music lessons after I do some painting." Tommy: "You do paintings?, what kind?" Toulouse: "Oh uh, that depends on what I want to paint, like the one I made of old pickle puss Edger." Patch: "Old pickle puss Edger?" Marie: "Yeah, he was our momma's butler, before he tried to kidnap us to steal our family's fortune." Patch: "You guys got kidnapped too?" Toulouse: "What do you mean?" Rolly: "Well... we too had been kidnapped once..." Cadpig: "By an evil woman known as Cruella... she planned to make coats out of us." this made the whole group to gasp in shock in horror, the very thought of such a terrible fate would put chills down someone's spine. Melody: "Oh my gosh..." Gidget: "D-d-dog skin coats?!" Patch: "Yeah... thankfully, our parents, Pongo & Perdita, were able to save us in the nick of time." Marie: "Oh my... and here I thought our kidnapping experience was terrible... I'm so sorry..." Patch: "It's okay, that's all in the past now." said Patch, before he and his siblings found themselves getting hugged by the others, including Boney 10 himself, trying to comfort them. Cadpig: "What was that for?" Tommy: "We just thought that you might need it... I mean that's what friends do for each other... right?" Cadpig: "Yeah... thanks." Jokeo: "Hey guys... where's Jokey?" Oliver: "I thought he was with you." Jokeo: "He was, but now he's gone." turns out that Jokey got lured away from the building by a bowl of ice cream that was tied to a string, being pulled by the Demon trio. As soon as Jokey got close enough, the Demon trio attacked him. He was able to escape, but not unscathed. As the kids were looking around for Jokey, they heard a knock on the door, and Jokey's head came out. Jokey: "Uh... whoever is the owner of flashlight number 7, you left the lights on." said Jokey, before he came through the door, revealing his head on the end of a trumpet while his legs were on the other. Gidget: "What the?" Jokeo: "Bro, what happened?" Jokey: "About what?" Patch: "Um... you being in a trumpet." Jokey: "Oh, I had a run in with the Demon Trio." Tommy: "What?!, those monsters are here?!" Jokey: "Yeah, and they're in the room now." Oliver: "Why would you say that?" Jokey: "Cause they followed me here." said Jokey, before everyone could see that the Demon trio were indeed at the door, which made everyone very nervous. ScreamClaw: "Like I said before, you got lucky last time, but now your luck has run out." Tommy: "Hey guys... you know any jazzy music?" whispered Tommy to the other kids. Marie: "Well... me and my brothers know one... but how is this a good time to ask that?" Tommy: "Well try it with them... we need something to distract them." Oliver: "Is it a good one?" Berlioz: "Oh yes, it's the kind of song for cats." Patch: "I guess that counts me and my siblings out." Peter: "Along with me, Fluff, and my sisters and cousin..." ThunderSmacker: "Hey!, don't ignore us!, and what are you up to?" Oliver: "Nothing, we just thought that... maybe we could do a little song before we meet our end." SpaceWarp: "A song?, what kind of song?" Marie: "We were hoping that you were gonna ask that." said Marie, before she and her brothers begins playing the song. Berlioz: "♪Everybody wants to be a cat, Because a cat's the only cat, Who knows where it's at♫." Toulouse: "♪Tell me, everybody's picking up on that feline beat, cause everything else is obsolete♫." Berlioz: "♪A square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born, every time he plays♫." Toulouse: "♪But with a square in the act, you can set music back♫." Berlioz: "♪To the cave man days, cha-cha-ba-dum-bo-day♫." Toulouse: "♪I've heard some corny birds who who tried to sing♫." Berlioz: "♪Still a cat's the only cat who knows how to swing, who wants to dig a long-haired gig or stuff like that?♫" Toulouse & Berlioz: "♪When everybody wants to be a cat, a square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born, every time he plays♫." Oliver: "♪Oh, a rinky-tinky-tinky♫." Berlioz & Toulouse: "♪With a square in the act you can set music back, to the cave man days♫." Marie: "♪Oh, a rinky-tinky-tinky, yes, everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at, when playing jazz you always has a welcome mat♫." Toulouse, Berlioz & Marie: "♪'Cause everybody digs a swinging cat♫." while they were playing the song, the others couldn't help but to join in, including the Demon trio. Suddenly, Berlioz plays a trumpet and all the kids and the demon trio started to dance. All: "♪Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat, Hallelujah!, everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat, I'm telling you, everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat, yeah!, everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be... a... cat!~~~♫" as soon as they were done singing, they see that the Demon trio were too busy with enjoying the song, which gives them and Boney 10 the chance to escape. As soon as the kids were gone, SpaceWarp soon realizes that they were alone. SpaceWarp: "Hey g-g-guys... I-I think we've been tricked..." ScreamClaw: "You think?!" ThunderSmacker: "I can't believe we fell for that!" SpaceWarp: "Yeah, but you g-g-got to admit... it was a very c-c-catchy song." ScreamClaw: "Oh shut up!" back with the kids and Boney 10, they were trying to find a place to hide when they hear the Demon trio coming. ThunderSmacker: "When I get my hands on them, I'll skin them alive!" this made Cadpig to whimper, as what the blue demon said reminded her of the scary encounter with Cruella. While Patch tries to comfort his sister. Melody was whimpering too as she was scared, and Tommy was trying to comfort her before he sees a water hose and then remembered what happened to the demon dragons last time they were exposed to water. Just as the Demon trio were closing in, Tommy got a hold of the water hose and aims it at the trio. ScreamClaw: "You wouldn't dare..." Tommy: "Oh I would, and will, as not only you have the nerve to try harming me, my little sister and my friends, you made my sister and my friend's little sister whimper... that alone is a low blow I won't let you get away with." said Tommy, before firing the hose and the Demon dragons were in pain by the water, forcing them to retreat out of the scene. Rolly: "Oh man... that was close..." Gidget: "Wow Tommy, that was really brave of you." Melody: "Yeah." Tommy: "I was just trying to protect my friends and my favorite little sister, that's all." as soon as they got back to the music room, Fawn Deer showed up. Fawn: "Hey kids, anything happened while I was gone?" they would tell her about their run in with the Demon trio, but decided that it would be better of not mentioning it. Jokey: "Um... does playing the song 'Everybody wants to be a cat' count?" Fawn: "Hmm... that's an interesting song, how does it go?" Marie: "Well..." said Marie, before she and the other cats began singing the song again, but this time to Fawn Deer out of entertainment, who decided to give them all the music badge, and Boney 10 couldn't help but feel proud of them.

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