Popcorn From Space

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It was evening when the kids were looking at a large telescope that Miss Fawn and Baloo set up to get the kids learn more about space. Fawn: "Enjoying the telescope everyone?" Tommy: "Yeah, it's really cool." Melody: "The stars are really pretty..." Gidget: "Yeah, and so is the moon." Peter: "I think I saw a shooting star passing by." Benny: "That better not be a lie." Peter: "Come on Benny, you know I don't do that anymore." Fluff: "Maybe, but still... it's a little hard to believe." Peter: "Fair enough..." Oliver: "What do you mean that Peter doesn't lie anymore?" Flopsy: "Well... a long time ago, our brother loved to tell little white lies." Mopsy: "Which of course got him into a lot of trouble when we almost got mailed somewhere in that package and lied that he knew where it was going and all that." Cottontail: "Not to mention he told those lies to Benny and Fluff and all that." Marie: "You mean he tricked everyone?" Berlioz: "That wasn't very nice at all." Toulouse: "Yeah, mama says it's never okay to tell lies like that." Peter: "I know... I was a foolish rabbit... but I managed to turn over a new leaf and found my sisters and regain my friendship with my cousin and Fluff here... and I vowed not to tell another lie for the rest of my life." Gidget: "Well that's good to hear." Rolly: "Hey... where's Jokey and Jokeo?" Cadpig: "That's weird... they were here a moment ago..." Patch: "There they are." said Patch, pointing at the hyena twins, who looked down at the ground with sad looks on their faces. Melody: "What's the matter with them?" Flopsy: "I think that might be my fault..." Mopsy: "And mine..." Tommy: "What do you mean?" Cottontail: "Well... Jokey and Jokeo asked Flopsy and Mopsy is they can hang out together later... and they decline..." Melody: "But why?" Flopsy: "Well the thing is... we're a little scared of them..." Mopsy: "With those appetites of theirs... they might try to eat us..." Tommy: "That's ridiculous, Jokey and Jokeo would never do that." Flopsy: "Are you sure?, I mean if they can eat the tables and that large banana in the jungle the other day... who knows what they could eat next..." Mopsy: "Yeah... we could be next..." Oliver: "Come on, they're toons like us, just because they're hyenas doesn't mean they would eat anyone like the ones in real life." Flopsy: "Maybe you're right... we can't judge them on what they are and all..." Mopsy: "Yeah..." said Mopsy and Flopsy, before the two hyenas walked away from the scene and saw what looked like a small rocket, which was something that Benny built not too long ago. Jokey: "What's that?" Jokeo: "I think that's the little project that Benny was working on this morning..." Jokey: "Let's check it out." Jokeo: "I don't know Jokey, we should probably ask Benny for permission." Jokey: "Come on bro, it's only a little peek." said Jokey, before his shoulder angel and shoulder devil showed up. Devil Jokey: "Yeah, you heard him, it's too awesome to ignore." Angel Jokey: "I don't know, it might lead to trouble, like there might be spiders in there..." Devil Jokey: "See right there Jokey, he's afraid of spiders." Angel Jokey: "At least I'm not afraid of baby ducks." Devil Jokey: "Hey!, that's supposed to be a secret!, you evil jerk!" Angel Jokey: "I'm evil?!, who has horns and a pitch fork?!" Devil Jokey: "Oh shut you!" said the shoulder devil and shoulder angel, before they got covered in smoke and vanished without a trace. Jokey: "Uh... as I was saying, let's take a peek." said Jokey, before he goes into the little rocket, leaving Jokeo with no choice but to follow him. Once they got in, Jokey accidentally pushes a button that turns the rocket on, and it launches itself up into the sky, much to everyone's surprise. Fluff: "What in the world?" Benny: "Hey!, that's my rocket!" Fawn: "You built a rocket?" Benny: "Um... yeah... so I can try out the cheese on the moon." Baloo: "Um... I hate to break the news to ya... but the moon isn't really made of cheese..." Benny: "Ah nuts..." Melody: "But uh... why did the rocket blast off?" Patch: "And... where's Jokey and Jokeo?..." asked Patch, before everyone gasped in shock as they realized what happened. Flopsy: "The twins are in space!" Mopsy: "Oh no!" Cottontail: "This is terrible!" that was when Boney 10 came to the scene and the kids told him what happened to the twins, so he takes a look at the telescope to find them and gasped in shock. Boney 10: "This can't be!" Melody: "What can't be?" Tommy: "What's wrong?" Boney 10: "I just took a look at this here telescope... and I'm seeing a meteor heading this way... right towards us!" All: "WHAT?!" shouted everyone, who jumped in shock when they heard what the old Demon Dragon just said. Baloo: "Are you sure that a meteor is heading this way?" Fawn: "I'm sure it's a mistake..." Boney 10: "I'm afraid not... take a look for yourself." said Boney 10, before Fawn and Baloo looked into the telescope and see that a meteor was indeed heading towards Camp Disney. Fawn: "Oh no!, this is terrible!" Baloo: "No kidding... we need to evacuate and fast." suddenly, the group heard an evil laugh that came from ScreamClaw, who along with ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp came to the scene. ScreamClaw: "Sorry everyone, but you're not going anywhere, for we just cast a spell on this place that makes a fore field around the area, and it won't go away until you surrender the brats to us or 1 hour has passed... which will be after the meteor hits, which will the only thing that will get through the force field." Baloo: "What?!, why would you do that?!, who are you?!" Fawn: "It can't be... the Demon Trio... from the legend..." Baloo: "That's them?!" Boney 10: "Yeah... and it looks like we're trapped here..." Gidget: "This can't be..." Melody: "No... please no..." said Melody as she began to cry a little, while Tommy tries his best to comfort her. Meanwhile, up in space, the hyena twins were still riding in the rocket, flying off to who knows where. Jokeo: "Uh... any idea where we're going?" Jokey: "No clue..." Jokeo: "Yeah... me neither..." said the twins, before they noticed something that the rocket was heading right towards at the moment. Jokey: "Hey look, there's some kind of planet or something heading for us... hey maybe that's where the Muffin Man lives." Jokeo: "Uh no Jokey, he lives on mulberry lane." Jokey: "Oh yeah..." said Jokey, before the rocket crashes into the meteor, and then the twins got out to take a closer look at the meteor. Jokeo: "Hey... what is this stuff?" Jokey: "It's popcorn..." Hyena twins: "... Let's eat it!" shouted the twins in joy as they begin to munch on the popcorn ball meteor, which was heading towards Camp Disney. A whole has nearly passed and everyone in Camp Disney was seeing something falling towards them, and there was nothing they could do to get away. Tommy: "Well... I guess this is the end... it was nice knowing you all..." Gidget: "Same here..." Flopsy: "My only regret is that I never got to apologize to Jokey..." Mopsy: "Same with me and Jokeo..." Cottontail: "At least they're safe... sort of... as they were able to avoid getting trapped like the rest of us..." Marie: "Yeah... I wished that we could see mama again..." Toulouse and Berlioz: "Us too..." Patch: "Same here with my mother and dad..." Cadpig and Rolly: "Uh huh..." Melody: "Goodbye everyone..." Fawn: "Here it comes!" Baloo: "Incoming!" shouted Fawn and Baloo, as everyone braced themselves for the impact. However, what hit the force field was not the meteor, but the hyena twins themselves, who had really big bellies from eating the popcorn. Everyone opened their eyes and were surprised to see what they were seeing, and so was the Demon trio as well. ScreamClaw: "What the?!" Jokeo: "No more for me thanks... I'm full..." Jokey: "[burp loudly] Excuse me..." ThunderSmacker: "They... ate the meteor?!, how was that even possible?!" SpaceWarp: "Um... that's what I was trying to t-t-tell ya... that meteor we sent here was made of p-p-popcorn..." ScreamClaw: "What?!" that was when the force field faded away, and the twins landed in the bear's arms. Baloo: "Jokey!, Jokeo!, thank goodness you're both okay." Jokey: "Why wouldn't we?" asked Jokey, before he and Jokeo got back to the ground and then Flopsy and Mopsy went to give the twins a big hug. Flopsy: "You saved us!, you're my hero Jokey!" Mopsy: "I could say the same for you, Jokeo." said Flopsy and Mopsy, before they gave the twins a kiss on the cheeks, which made the hyenas gasped in shock and blushed a little. Jokeo: "Uh... did we missed something here?" asked Jokeo, which made everyone laugh. ScreamClaw: "I don't believe this!, how could a bunch of kids be this lucky?!" shouted ScreamClaw in disbelief, before Tommy takes out a water hose and fires it at the trio, which scares them a lot as they were weak to water. ThunderSmacker: "Retreat!" SpaceWarp: "Fly!" shouted two members of the Demon trio, before the whole trio flew away from the scene. Boney 10: "Well that takes care of them... for now at least." Melody: "That was really scary... I really thought we were goners..." Tommy: "Yeah, but we're all okay now... thanks to Jokey and Jokeo, those two really saved the day." Jokey: "We did...?" Jokeo: "How?" Boney 10: "Well... we better explain to them... [stomach growling] right after supper." Fawn: "Good idea." so with that, everyone went off to get some supper, while cheering and explaining to the twins for their heroic deed.

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