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The Kim family and Park family lives in the same house as Jin is already married to joon.


It is a early Sunday morning..

A man with a world wide handsome face is cooking while humming a random song untill he found a hand hugging his waist. Jin flinched a little but sensed that person and said

Jin: Joon because of you my back is already  paining. I am not able to walk.leave me brat.

Joon blushed hard and pulled Jin closer to him.But Jin pushed him and gave a smirk.

Joon: I think I need to go hard on someone.

Jin: (blushed) Shut up! Go and wake up tae and Jimin. Breakfast is ready.

Joon: sure baby



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Joon : babies wake up.Breakfast is ready.
( He said and shook Jimin )

 ( He said and shook Jimin )

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Jimin: Good morning hyngiee. ( Cutely rubbing his eyes)

Joon: good morning baby. Go and fresh up.i will wake tae up.

Jimin: ok hyung.

Joon: tae wake up baby.(joon shook tae).tae wake up.

Tae: 5 more minutes

Joon: baby wake up its already late.

Tae: what the fuck.
( That's all joon's anger raised up and gave a hard smack on tae's cheek)


Tae:hyungiee ( tae stared crying hard )

On hearing Taehyung's crying, Jin came to check on him

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On hearing Taehyung's crying, Jin came to check on him

Jin: what happened baby why are crying( hugged tae)

Tae: (while sobbing hard) hyung slapped me

(Jin shouted and glared at joon)

Joon: Your baby cursed on me

Jin: what is this behaviour tae. Is this the way you behave with hyung. Ask sorry to joon.(stern voice)

Tae: I am sorry joonie Hyung

Joon: it's ok baby. This shouldn't happen again.

Tae: okay hyung ( hugged joon )


Jin: take care babies. Eat well. Behave well.Don't be naughty and drink water oft..( cutoff by joon )

Joon: Jin they are going only for two days and they are not toddlers.its already late they are going to miss the flight.

( Actually tae and Jimin are going to India for a internship program for two days )

Jin:okay !! Bye babies

Both tae and Jimin kissed Jin and joon went to drop them at airport.


Joon: babies do well and take care. ( kissed
Jimin and tae and left )

Meanwhile with Jungkook

Jk :(pouting )please hyung

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Jk :(pouting )please hyung.please

Hobi; no jk and that's final

Jk: please hyung.i am going with my friends only. Please.

Hobi: who are that friends ?is Beomgyu coming with you ?

(Note: Beomgyu is jk's friend)

Jk: my classmates and Beomgyu is also coming hyung. (Jk lied )

Hobi: (sighed) ok you can go. But take care and call me often ok.bye take care

Jk: yeah ! Sure hyung.(hugged hobi and took his bag and left to airport)

( Jk is going on a trip to India for two days with his university senior bad boys. But jk lied that he is going with his classmates and Beomgyu )


That's it for today ✌️ hope you liked it ✌️
I know its a short one but I promise that the next part will be big ✌️

It's my first story 🥰 support me 🥰 and motivate me by giving your votes and comments.

Love you Armies 💜

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