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Mr and Mrs Min, Mr and Mrs park, and Mr and Mrs Kim came to Seoul for their youngest son wedding.

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It was a beautiful day in Seoul, South Korea

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It was a beautiful day in Seoul, South Korea. The birds were chirping, the flowers were in full bloom, and the air was filled with love and happiness.

Taehyung and Jungkook, were getting married in a lavish ceremony .

As Taehyung stood at the altar, looking handsome in his crisp black tuxedo, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness and excitement.

He couldn't believe that he was about to marry the love of his life, his soulmate, his everything.

Jungkook, his beautiful groom, was standing across from him, his eyes filled with adoration and love.

The ceremony was absolutely perfect, Not with so much people but only three families of MIN, PARK, KIM EXCEPT MIN YOONGI AS HE WENT TO USA SINCE HE HAD SOME MAFIA WORKS.

As the officiant pronounced them husband and husband, Taehyung felt his heart racing in his chest.

He couldn't believe that this was finally happening, that he was finally going to seal his love for Jungkook with a kiss.

As he turned to his beloved, he saw the love and desire in his eyes, and he knew that this moment would be etched in his memory forever.

Jungkook took Taehyung's hand in his own, their fingers intertwined as they leaned in for the kiss.

The world seemed to fade away around them, leaving only the two of them in their own little bubble of love and happiness.

As their lips met, a surge of electricity shot through Taehyung's body, making him feel like he was flying high in the sky.

The kiss was soft and sweet, filled with love and tenderness. It was a promise of forever, a declaration of their undying love for each other.

Taehyung felt as if he was floating on cloud nine, his heart bursting with joy and love for the man in his arms.

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