Somethings up

780 32 3

Word count: 1489
Warnings: anxiety
Summary: Reneé notices somethings up with her girlfriend.

I open my eyes and look to see y/n curled up, asleep. She looked so cute. Her hair is sprawled out around her head, while her legs and arms are tucked safely into her chest. I watch as her body rises and falls slowly, her face relaxed, her lips pouting. I smile and slowly get up, leaving her asleep.

I get in the shower, washing my body and my hair before getting out, doing my skincare and brushing my teeth. As I'm finishing up I hear a small groan from the bedroom, making me smile. I lock eyes with y/n in the mirror as she stumbles through the bathroom to me. I turn and embrace her, kissing her head. She wraps her arms around me, nuzzling her head into my neck.

"Morning baby, how you feeling?" I say and she mumbles into my neck, "fine." I giggle at her and kiss her hair before starting to slowly rock us side to side, letting her wake up properly.

After a few minutes she pulls away, connecting out lips. No words are said as she pulls away and starts undressing, getting into the shower. I smile and feel myself blush, I just love her so much.

I finish up to let y/n have her time, but as I'm leaving she calls out. "Nae?"
"Yeah?" I respond, turning around instantly. "Can you stay?" She asks meekly. I nod and make my way over to the sink. I hoist myself up and sit on the counter, resting my back against the wall, one of my legs hanging off the counter and the other up against my chest.

Without thinking about it I start humming a song, and eventually singing.

"And then I can tell myself, what the hell im supposed to do. And then I can tell myself, not to ride along with you."

"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back, to the night we met." We sing together.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you, take me back to the night we met." She starts to harmonise.

"When the night was full of terrors, and your eyes were filled with tears. When you had not touched me yet, oh take me back to the night we met."

The last note lingers in the air for a few minutes before the shower turns off, and y/n steps out. She wraps a towel around her and comes over to the sink to do her skincare. I wait until she is done before getting down from the sink, going up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head down on her shoulder.

She leans into my touch and again, no words are spoken between us as she gets ready, just the mutual understanding of love between us both.

There's a knock at the door and I kiss y/n's shoulder before pulling away from her and going to open it. I see Pauline on the other side and smile, waving her in. "I'm so sorry I'm really early I thought there would be more traffic." She says and I laugh, shaking my head. "It's all good, did you want anything to eat?" I ask and she smiles. "No thank you I ate before I got here but I didn't have time for coffee if you have any? If not we can stop on the way to set." She says and I nod. "We have coffee, come on through."

She follows me through to the kitchen and I make her some coffee as well as making y/n tea before starting to talk over our scenes today. Y/n walks in mid conversation, smiling at Pauline.

"Hey baby." I say and Pauline smiles, waving. "Morning!" "Good morning. How are you?" She asks and Pauline and her have a small conversation before y/n goes silent again, staying close to me.

I gently play with her hair, wrapping my arm around her, hoping to calm her slightly. I could tell it didn't help though, as her hand gently gripped at the bottom of my sweater, clinging to me. She gently sipped her tea and attempted to keep up with the conversation, but I could tell something was up.

Soon enough it was time to leave, so we all got in the car, Pauline driving, me and y/n in the back leaving the front seat open for Amrit. Usually Alyah rides with us too but she doesn't have any scenes today, so unfortunately she won't be joining us for our morning car party.

Pauline immediately turns on some music, gently swaying to it. We both sing along, even y/n is gently humming. It only takes five minutes to get to Amrit, and she smiles widely at us all. "You guys! I have donuts for everyone!" She says and we all cheer. I pass y/n one and have one for myself, and keep my hand on her thigh, reminding her I was there while we ate the donuts.

Once we arrive to set we're instantly dragged into work, doing different scenes and barely getting a chance to stop. I can tell y/n is trying really hard to put on a front, but I know her and she is struggling. I don't know what's with her today, but I'm getting worried by the minute. Every time I ask if she's okay she just nods and smiles, and because we are at work I don't draw attention to it, deciding that I will talk to her when we're home.

"Okay, mark one. Ready and- action!" I hear and I quickly get into character, going alone with all my lines.

"Cut- you guys, y/n stay on your mark, and again please." The director calls and I see y/n slowly crumbling. She had been getting more sloppy as the day went on and I knew everything was getting to her.

"Hey, you're okay. It's okay, ignore her. Take a deep breath," I tell her, holding her hands gently and she nods, taking a deep breath. "Good. This is the last scene, after this we can sign out and get an Uber home. You got this." I say and she nods, smiling softly. "Thank you Rae."

We get back to our marks and wait for action before doing the scene. We end up doing it maybe five more times before the director is happy and we finally wrap for the day. I take y/n's hand and I notice how shaky it is in my own but don't mention it, only pulling her closer to me. "You did it, I'm so proud of you." I say and she smiles but I can tell it's fake.

We get in the Uber and start to drive home. I notice how jumpy and tense y/n is but decide not to mention it, yet again deciding it's the wrong place to do so.

We get back and I notice the bags under y/n's eyes, it concerns me but I shake it off, opening the door and kicking my shoes off while y/n does the same. She instantly goes to the couch to get cozy and I chuckle as I follow her. She grabs a blanket while I rearrange the pillows and lay down, opening my arms to her. She lays on top of me, her head in the crook of my neck.

The blanket wraps around us and I can feel y/n relax into me and her breathing starts to get heavier as she falls asleep. As she's falling asleep, however, I feel her body jump and her eyes ping open. I gently rub her back, trying to get her to sleep again, but she just does the same thing.

I put on the tv for background noise and gently rub her back with one hand while my other plays with her hair. I feel her slowly falling asleep and wait until her breathing evens out for five minutes. I then smile and kiss her head before continuing playing with her hair as I watch the tv.

I knew she got very anxious sometimes, and couldn't do anything. She would struggle to leave her bed and couldn't sleep at night because of her heart racing and sudden bursts of adrenaline. It was always awful but usually she comes to me when they start, why hadn't she said anything?

I curse myself for not noticing sooner, and try to stay as still as I can so she can sleep.

I soon feel her start to wake again, so I gently rub her back again and start to hum, and she quickly settles, making me smile. I continue to hum until I feel my own eyes start to close, and I let myself fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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