
2.5K 24 13

Word count: 1920
Warnings: agere, anxiety
Summary: Reneé and y/n are watching tv when a sudden storm hits.


I smile as me and my girlfriend Reneé sat together watching our show

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I smile as me and my girlfriend Reneé sat together watching our show. I loved little moments like this where we could just be ourselves, no cameras, no people, just us.

"Ha!" Reneé laughs after one of the characters fall. I giggle along with her, admiring how amazing she is. She has always loved me, my quirks and needs and all, and I love her for hers.

Soon enough the episode ends, and I feel Reneé stretch beside me, yawning. "What did you want for dinner babe?" She asks mid yawn. "I don't mind, what were you thinking?" I ask and she shrugs. "Maybe some sort of Tom yum? We haven't had that in a while." She says and I nod in agreement. "I'm happy with that." I say and she smiles, kissing my head.

Suddenly, however, a flash is seen outside, and before either of us can register what was happening a huge clap of thunder rang through the sky, making me jump and tense up.

Sitting up I feel the air start to get caught in my throat, the oxygen not getting into my lungs properly and I panic. I look to Reneé who is trying her best to console me and get me to breathe, but I cant. I claw at my throat, trying to get air in, but Reneé grabs my hands, making me look to her.

"Y/n, look at me, take a deep breath." I hear her say. I try to, and although the breath isn't deep, it's better than the shallow breaths I was taking before.

If the situation was bad before, it started to get worse when I could feel myself getting smaller, my mind getting tiny. I started to panic even more, and let out a loud cry.

Reneé seems to register my cry, and realises that I wasn't big anymore, I was little. She doesn't waste a second, and gently scoops me up into her arms, cradling me as she whispers and shushes me.

"It's okay Angel, you're gonna be okay. Breathe with mama for a second." She says but I can't, instead I just let out a loud cry after a series of shallow panicked breaths.

"You know last time we did the breathing?" She asks me, making me nod. "We're gonna try that again, okay? You wanna go first or mama go first?" She asks and I point to her. She blows a soft stream of air onto my nose, and I feel as it dissipates across my face. "Your go baby." She says and I manage to take a ragged breath in before blowing it into her face.

She blows onto my nose again and I blow onto hers. We carry this on until my breathing is under control, but she continues to hold me, gently rocking me back and forth. "It's okay baby, you're okay..."

I sniffle and rub my eyes, yawning wide. "You sleepy?" She asks me, pushing some of my hair behind my ears. I just look at her blankly, feeling too small to say anything, even when I try.

"Is my Angel just so teeny weeny? You're just so small and cute for mama?" She says, poking my tummy gently, making me giggle. She smiles, scrunching her nose at me.

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