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Word count: 1629
Warnings: Agere
Summary: y/n and Reneé spend Easter together

Reneés Pov
I smirk as I wait for y/n to fall asleep. I had been waiting for a while to set up for Easter. I creep downstairs and try to quietly open the bags of Easter eggs before placing them around the house. I put her Easter basket I made for her out on the table as well as a big Easter egg, knowing she will love the chocolate. I also leave an empty Easter bucket so she can collect the small chocolate eggs I have hidden around the house.

Once all the eggs are hidden and everything is in place I make my way back upstairs. I manage to get back into bed without waking her, and I smile as I drift off to sleep, excited for the morning.

I open my eyes and it takes a few seconds before I feel excitement rush through my veins. I gently scratch at y/n's head, lightly running my hands through her curls. It takes a few minutes but she eventually wakes up, her eyes opening before she groans, biting her face into my chest.

"Goodmorning baby." I say and she hums in response, making me giggle. "You ready to get up?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Five more minutes." She mumbles into me and I smile, instantly giving in. Today was her day, she barely got time to herself or to be little, so I wanted to make sure she had the opportunity to do both.

"Alright." I say, responding to her. She sighs into me and softly takes my hand, placing it on her head. My heart almost explodes and I have to bite my lip as I start scratching at her scalp again. After five minutes I stop, kissing her head and looking down at her. "You ready to get up now baby?"

She groans before sitting up, pouting. "Yeah." I smile and get up, holding my hands out to her. She smiles softly at me and takes my hand, keeping it in hers as we walk to the bathroom. We both go to the bathroom and brush our teeth before doing skincare.

Once we are both done I can feel my excitement getting more and more. "What's wrong with you?" She asks jokingly as we walk out of the bathroom. "Oh nothing, just excited it's Easter." I say and she giggles cutely at me while shaking her head. "Okay."

I go downstairs first, turning to her once the kitchen is in view. Her eyebrows furrow before she realises and smiles. "What is all this?" She asks and I shrug. "Maybe the Easter bunny came to visit."

As soon as I say that I notice a change in her demeanour, her eyes light up and I smile. "The Easter bunny came for me?" She asks quietly, clearly slipping. "All for you Angel." I say softly and she turns to me and hugs me, before pulling away and jumping up and down excitedly. "Look, there's a bucket here. That means the Easter bunny must've given you even more eggs that you need to find!" I say and she gaps.

"Egg hunt?" She says and I nod. She squeals and I smile at her little feet stomping. "We find them now?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah come on, where do you think they would be?" I ask her and she furrows her eyebrows before gasping and stumbling to the couch, where three mini eggs sat together on the pillow.

"Found egg mama!" She squeals and I laugh. "Yeah you did! Come on, I bet there's loads around here."

She slowly walks around, stumbling every once in a while. Every time she saw an egg her eyes lit up and it made my heart melt. I took tons of photos and videos of her, and it made me eternally grateful.

Once she had found all the eggs she went back to her Easter basket and started looking through it. "What is dat?" She asks and I have to hold in my laugh, she is just so cute. "That's a colouring book and some pens. Did you want to try it?" I say, knowing she loved colouring. She nods and I smile, helping unpack the pens and laying them out in front of her. She smiles at me and I get out my phone, unable to resist.

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