The kiss pt 2

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Word count: 1090
Warnings: sexual assault (unwanted kissing), anxiety, death threats
Summary: pt 2 of 'the kiss'

I open my eyes, slowly taking in my surroundings. I see Reneé sleeping next to me still, and I smile, keeping my head rested on her chest. I grab my phone, opening Instagram and starting to scroll. Soon enough I get a message from Lyra.

Dude how drunk were you last night
What are these photos
Does Reneé know
Are you and her still together?

I furrow my eyebrows and respond

What do you mean
What photos
I barely drank anything
Obviously me and Reneé are still together
Why wouldn't we be?

The three dots immediately come up and I wait in confusion. What was going on?

Someone got photos of you and some random girl kissing
If you don't tell Reneé she's gonna find out pretty quickly
Her fans are already threatening you

What the fuck. I sit up and open Instagram again, looking in my notifications box.

User1: how disgusting
User2: I can't believe she would do something like this
User3: and to think we all liked her
>User4: speak for yourself I never liked her
User5: she should actually go kill herself
>User6: thats not very nice
>>User5: well her cheating on Reneé isn't very nice either
User7: are we sure it's her

I look at the photos I was tagged in and I feel my heart drop to the floor and shatter. Somebody had taken multiple photos and a video of what happened.

I feel my breathing speed up and fear consume my body. Not only did I feel violated, I now felt exposed. I didn't want to kiss her, and although I feel like it shouldn't be a big deal, I can't stop thinking about it. Replaying the moment in my head. It made me scared, and it made me feel defenceless.

I feel tears spill down my cheeks silently as I held my breath. I didn't want Reneé to see these, I know they mean nothing to our relationship but what if she suddenly cares? What if she sees that I don't move and that I laugh at her joke? What if she doesn't love me anymore? That's the worst part- she probably won't.

I continue to spiral, only able to take small shallow breaths every few seconds. I knew I was having a panic attack, I've had enough in my life to know what they feel like, But the crippling fear that rests on my shoulders while having one is something I have never experienced. It was like I wanted to hide, close my eyes and never see anyone or anything ever again.

"Baby look at me," I hear from beside me. I see Reneé already awake, and clearly worried about what was going on. "What's happened?" She asks but I just shake my head, I didn't want her to know. This was going to ruin everything.

She looks to my hand and clearly notices the death grip I have on my phone. In a slow movement she takes my phone, and I let her, watching her face. I wait for hatred to fill her features, but instead they soften.

"Baby..." she says and I start to sob. She hates me. I cover my face with my hands, not wanting her to see me. This was awful. I feel her hands on mine and she slowly uncovers my face. She brings my hands down and gently holds my face, one hand on either jaw. She uses her thumbs to wipe my tears away and gently shushes me.

"Baby you need to listen to me, I'm not upset with you. I'm nod upset or angry or anything else you're telling yourself. You need to calm down." She says firmly and I nod, taking deep breaths. She breathes with me and after my breathing is under control she keeps hold of my face, wiping the tears that occasionally fall.

"What's going through your head right now baby?" She asks gently. "That you hate me." I say honestly. "And that you don't love me anymore." I say, letting out a quiet sob. I couldn't imagine my life without her. "I don't want to upset you, I'm scared I've made you sad." I say and she nods.

"Look at me." She says when my eyes look down. "I don't hate you. I will never hate you. You're my whole entire world, and I already knew this happened, why would a video change what I think about it?" She says and I shrug. "Because I didn't move, I just stood there like an idiot." I say looking down again but she gently moves my head back up so I'm looking at her.

"You're not an idiot." She chuckles softly while staying serious. "You were put in a situation you shouldn't have been put in. It's not okay that she kissed you like that, and when you pushed her away she should've taken the hint, put used more force. Sometimes if you're put in a situation like that your body shuts down, you freeze, and that's a perfectly normal response." She assures me and I nod. "You sure you're not mad? Or upset?" I say and she nods. I'm not mad or upset with you. With her, however, I am extremely angry and will be finding out who she is." She says and I laugh with her, before pulling her into me, hugging her.

"Thank you Nae." I say quietly and she just hugs me tighter. "Always. I'm here for you."

We pull away and I wipe my eyes fully, before yawning. "You tired?" She asks and I nod. "A little." I admit and she smirks, getting back into bed and opening her arms for me. "C'mere, I think we are both deserving of a nap." She says and I giggle, going into her arms, feeling them wrap around me, protecting me.

"Did you watch the whole video?" I ask quietly and she nods. "Yeah, you can tell you don't want her." She chuckles and I furrow my eyebrows. "How?" I ask and she laughs even louder. "You literally push her away, and after she pulls away from you and goes inside you literally wipe your face off and look disgusted before walking out of the place. Honestly I'm disgusted by her behaviour." She says and I relax, its obvious I didn't want her.

Nae is my one and only. Nobody can take her away from me, she is mine forever and I am hers.

"I love you baby." She says and I smile. "I love you too Angel."

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