🧸Stressful day

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Word count: 1424
Warnings: Agere, anxiety
Summary: Reneé takes care of y/n after a stressful day

"I need that to me by tomorrow y/n!" My boss Rob shouts and I nod, my small frame shaking and tears brimming my eyes. "Yes sir." I say and he storms off. Today has been one of the most stressful days so far, and I just wanted to get home to Reneé and slip. I didn't want to deal with this stress, I couldn't deal with it for much longer. I sigh and run my hands through my hair, working through email and project one after another. I start another draft of the article I was meant to get done for today but I didn't have time on top of everything else.

I manage about half before my exhaustion is too much for me. I can feel myself starting to slip and stressful tears fill my eyes. I grab my phone and get up, running to the bathroom. I lock the door and open my phone, getting Reneés contact up.

"Hello?" She says and I whimper into the phone. "Y/n baby? What's happened?" She says and I just cry into the phone. "Can you use your big girl words for mama and tell me what's wrong?" She says and I nod, taking a few deep breaths before explaining.

"Rob meanie an' yell..." I say and I can hear her hum on the other end, waiting for me to carry on. "He say I not do 'nuf work. Home mama." I cry and I can hear her keys jingle on the other side of the phone. "Can you stay on the phone with mama while I come get you?" I nod. "Mhmm..." I stick my thumb in my mouth and try to control my breathing. I had only slipped in public a few times before, and never at work. I was scared and just wanted my mama.

"Baby can you go to your desk and get your things for me please?" I whine and she shushes me gently. "I know Angel I know, but if you go get your stuff and then I'll meet you there." She says and I nod. "'Kay..." I say and I can hear her car stop. "Now, be a big girl for me for five more minutes and then you can be mamas little baby for the rest of the night. How does that sound?" She says and I nod. "Okay." I say, pushing myself out of my headspace and going big again.

She ends the call and I wipe my eyes before going back to my desk and grabbing my bag, starting to put my stuff away. I put my jacket on when I hear footsteps behind me. "You still have an hour and a half left of your shift y/l/n. Where do you think you're going?" Rob asks me, his face already angry. "I'm going to clock out early." I say quietly but he shakes his head.
"You are already behind on work y/n, you will not leave early if I have anything to do with it!" He shouts and I look to the floor as I feel tears fill my eyes again.

"Yes, she is." I hear a familiar voice behind him. I look up to see Reneé standing behind him. He turns to look at her but she pushes him out the way, grabbing my bag for me and taking my hand, putting herself between me and him. "Who are you to tell her that?" He says at her and she laughs at him. "Who are you to tell her that? The poor girl is being overworked day after day and you're wondering why she's struggling?"

"Y/n if you walk out of this building you will not be coming back." He says to me and Reneé nods. "Okay then. You'll need to find a new personal assistant then, come on babe." She says, squeezing my hand. I follow her outside to the car, where she puts my bag inside and wraps her arms around me. "I'm so sorry baby. He shouldn't have yelled like that."

I start to cry again, feeling myself slip now it was just us two. She manages to coax me into the car and she helps me get my belt on before going around to the drivers side. She drives home with one hand on my thigh and the other on the wheel, her only focus being getting me safe home.

Once we arrive she lifts me from the car and onto her hip, where I rest my head in the crook of her neck. She manages to carry me and the bag into the house, immediately taking me up to our room.

"Let's get changed into some cozy clothes, then we can snuggle and watch a movie." She says and I nod, looking up at her with tear stained cheeks. "Moana?" I ask and she nods, her face crumbling. "Yeah. We can watch moana."

"Do you need to go potty?" She asks me and I shake my head. "Can we try just incase?" She asks and I nod, lifting my arms up. She chuckles at me and pokes my tummy, making me giggle, before picking me up and sitting me on the toilet.

I pee and she helps me wipe and wash my hands before we go back to the bedroom. "Diaper or no diaper?" She asks me and I shrug, pointing to them with one hand and rubbing my eye with the other. She grabs one and lays me down on our bed, slipping the diaper underneath me and taping it up.

Once it's on she helps me into a onesie that buttons at the crotch and puts some sweatpants over it, keeping me warm. Once I'm changed she changes into some sweatpants and a simple tshirt, before she picks me up and carries me downstairs to the couch.

She sits down and lifts me onto her lap before lifting me into the air by my armpits again, making me giggle. She does it again and I let myself fall further into headspace. She lifts me over her lap and cradles me in her arms, gently poking at my nose and tummy to make me giggle even more.

Reneé pov
Eventually I stop tickling her and let her just cuddle into me. "Nana..." she babbles and I giggles at her. "You're too cute for your own good babygirl. Let's put your movie on. Did you want your paci?" I ask and she gurgles at me, unable to form words. "You're just so teeny weeny, so small and little for me." I say, kissing her nose. I grab her pacifier and slip it between her lips. She takes it and I take it as a win, before turning the tv on for her.

Her eyes widen as moana appears on the tv, and her pacifier drops from her mouth. I smile at her cuteness and take the pacifier, knowing she will want it for later. She babbles and gurgles along to the movie, gently tapping my arm at some parts, giggling loudly at others.

I watch her reactions to the film and can't help but smile when her eyes light up. We manage to get through half of the film before her eyes start dropping, a clear sign she is getting tired. I wait for another ten or so minutes before she yawns and turns into me. "Mama..." she mumbles into my chest.

"Come on sleepy girl, let's get you down for a nap." I say and she nods into me, pushing her face further into my chest. I laugh at her and wrap my arms around her, her head rests on my chest as the rest of her body is on top of me, her arms and legs wrapping around me like a koala. I gently push her paci between her lips and she takes it, rhythmically sucking on it as she falls asleep.

I gently play with her hair with my one hand, scratching at her scalp soothingly, while my other hand gently pats her diaper-cladded butt, sending her straight to sleep.

I wait until her breathing evens out and gets deeper before moving to grab my phone. After taking way too many pictures of y/n, I set an alarm for an hour, deciding I could close my eyes for a while too. I kiss my baby's head and wrap my arms around her to keep her in place before closing my own eyes and drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

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