⛔️ Past Experience

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Word count: 1358
Warnings: abuse, ptsd
Summary: y/n is comforted by Reneé after a bad day at work.

I sigh as a few tears run down my cheeks. I worked at a preschool and today was possibly the hardest day I've ever had.

One of the boys in my class was very quiet and tearful today, and eventually we found out that the night before his mom had beaten him. The poor baby had bruises all over his back and thighs, and my heart just about broke for him.

Everything was sorted now, and the mom was going to go to court, but he was staying with his dad permanently from now on. But it really messed with me as my childhood was very similar. It brought back a lot of unwanted memories and feelings, and I just wanted to break down, but I couldn't. I had to stay strong for the kid.

I pull into my driveway, thankful Reneé was home already, I didn't want to be alone right now. I get out the car, leaving everything but my phone in there still, and focus on getting inside.

I can barely keep it together as I walk through the door, tears flowing down my face even faster now I was in the security of my own home. "Hey baby you're home late." I hear Reneé say from the other room.

"Baby?" She asks, turning and coming through to the hallway to the kitchen where I was currently stood. "Hey, baby what's wrong?" She says, rushing to me. She wraps her arms around me and I break down, sobs leaving my mouth as my legs give way. Reneé catches me, and follows me to the ground, holding me as I cry, reassuring me that she's there.

Eventually my tears slow, and I'm just sat on the floor, clinging to Reneé as tears slowly slip down my cheeks. "Come on, baby. Lets get you to the couch, hmm?" She asks and I nod, letting her guide me to the lounge where we sit together on the couch where I lay with my head on Reneés chest , out legs intertwined and her arms around me.

"What's happened baby?" She asks after a wipe my face with a tissue. "I had the worst day..." I say, tears already filling my eyes. "What happened that made today so bad?" She asks gently. "There's this kid in my class Jonah," I say, sniffling a little before carrying on, "and he... he was really upset today but nobody could figure out why. At recess he had a meltdown because he didn't want his snack, and when I took him away and asked why he was so upset he told me that his mom..." I say, the words starting to get stuck in my throat as tears fall down my face.

"His mom hurts him Reneé. His mom had beaten him so badly. He's only three. His back was covered in awful bruises, and there were burns on his thighs." I cry. "Oh my god that's awful." She says and I nod, unable to stop crying.

"I'm so sorry baby, that sounds really awful." She says and I nod, unable to deny it. "Are you feeling okay... trigger wise?" She asks, knowing how hard it was for my to speak about my childhood. " I don't know, I just... it brought back so much from my own childhood." I say and she nods. "It's like im so glad we could help him, but how could someone do that to their kid? I spent my whole life believing it was my own fault but seeing Jonah crying made me realise that nobody deserves that. He's just a kid." I say, anger filling my body at the thought of his mom.

"Yeah, it's definitely not your fault, it never was baby." She says and I nod, letting myself relax into her. "The memories haven't left my head all day." I whisper and she nods. "Did you wanna talk about them?" She offers and I shrug, not really knowing where to start.

"It's like my dads face is constantly on my mind. Every time he would hurt me or my mom, it's burned into my memory. I can hear the screams of that day..." I say and she nods. "It hurts so much to see someone else go through what I did, especially kids so young. They're all so precious and delicate, how could somebody hurt them like that?" I say and she shakes her head. "I have no idea, it really baffles me. But you know what? You helped Jonah today, now his mom won't ever touch him again. All thanks to you." She says and I nod.

"Thank you." I say quietly. "What do you mean? I haven't done anything?" Reneé laughs. "Just thank you for being here, and listening to me." I answer honestly. "Of course. I'm always gonna be here for you, no matter what."

I feel my eyes start to get heavy, my exhaustion catching up to me, and I feel safe here with Reneé, so I know I'll be okay. I close my eyes, and let myself fall asleep.

I push my keys into the door, my school bag still on my back, and push open the door.

The smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit me instantly, but I close the door and tip toe inside anyway. I carefully lock the door, being as silent as I could. I manage to make it to the stairs before I hear a grumble from the lounge. "Y/n! Come here, bring me another beer while you're at it." He calls and I sigh, dropping my bag by the stairs. I go to the fridge and get him another beer, opening it and bringing it to him.

"Your teacher called me today." He said and my heart dropped, but I didn't let it show. "Oh yeah what did he say?" I ask. "He told me that you hadn't completed your work, and to make sure you did it when you got home."

I nod, standing still and staring at the ground. "You fucking embarrassment." He mumbles, not taking his eyes off of the tv. "Don't ever embarrass our family name like that again!" He slurs, but I sigh, I was exhausted and trying my best. Why couldn't he understand that.

"Whatever." I say, walking away. "Don't FUCKING walk away from me!" He shouts, throwing the bottle in his hand at me. I turn and it collides with my thigh, and smashes on the floor, soaking me with beer.

I look up at him with hatred and he gets up, and slowly walks towards me. "You're so disrespectful. I wish you were never fucking born, you make my life miserable, do you hear me?" He says, grabbing my face now he was close enough.

"Yes sir." I say quietly. "Did you say something?" He asks, gripping my face tighter. "Yes sir!" I shout, tears spilling down my cheeks. He lets go of me, and I run upstairs, grabbing my school bag on the way.

I open my eyes and panic instantly fills them.
Where was he? I sit up and look around, waiting for him to come out and get me. "Come on, it's okay." I hear a voice say and I look and see Reneé trying to get me to lay back down.

"What happened?" I ask and she smiles sadly. "You were having a nightmare but I couldn't wake you, so I just sat with you." She says and I nod, sighing. I hadn't had a nightmare in months, not since I had moved in with Reneé.

"I'm sorry." I start to cry, unable to stop myself. "Baby it's okay. Why don't we call your therapist and set up an emergency session? You can talk it through with her, see what she says." Reneé suggests and I nod. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I say and she nods.

"I'm here for you baby, through everything." She says and I smile, relaxing back into her arms. "I love you." I say, pecking her lips. She smiles and brings me back into another kiss, a softer, longer one, before responding. "I love you too."

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