What happened at Feyi's party?

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In the last episode, I mentioned that Feyi sent an invitation a few days before the event, and I had informed my friends, Miss Abs and Elizabeth, about it. The party took place at Wuthering Heights, UNILAG, so finding the venue was easy. On the day of the party, my two friends had already arrived at the school before me. They didn't mind my lateness; they were used to it by now. After all, they knew I was adjusting to a new environment, having come all the way from Badagry to pursue higher education in Yaba.

When I met my friends at the gate, we hurried to the venue. Along the way, I excitedly told them how much food I planned to devour once we got there. I promised to eat more than three plates. However, as soon as we arrived, Feyi wasted no time in serving us a delicious meal of well-cooked rice and assorted meats. Just as I was about to dig in, I was hit with a sudden stomach ache. I felt awful and couldn't eat. Miss Abs and Lizzy were upset with me.

"Peters, you brought us here, you must eat this food. I won't accept this; it's not fair," Miss Abs scolded me, clearly disappointed. Elizabeth wasn't pleased either. But something surprising happened that day that still puzzles me. Despite Elizabeth being miffed that I didn't eat, she gladly accepted and devoured the food when I offered it to her. Talk about a plot twist! Maybe my readers can decipher this mystery. Anyway, there's plenty more to share, but let's leave it here for now.

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