Lizzy helps Peters

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Believe me when I tell you, guys: Lizzy's love for me is not superficial. I'm in good hands because she was just like a sister today! You will get to see the reason why I've made her my skin and blister. The absurd scheduling of lectures already seems to be a never-ending story in my department; it is now a daily conundrum we have to face. The course rep announced that the drama class would take place at 5 pm. I was over the moon as I was already anticipating the unequalled proficiency that my drama lecturer emanates when he teaches.

I left home at 11 am only to discover that another class has been fixed for 12 pm - a Poetry class. Hurriedly, I boarded a tricycle and got to school just in time. Miss Abs was at the Faculty of Arts waiting for a soon-to-be-cancelled class. I saved a seat for Lizzy; I did it excitedly as she has always been the one doing it often. Lizzy, as swift as a desert snake, was in class before the lecturer. The poetry was enlightening and amazing. I was enraptured by the brilliance of the teacher; he was an embodiment of poetry itself.

As the teaching of the lecturer trickled into our joyful souls, Miss Abs was in anguish because all the lectures and meetings for her department were cancelled. She texted me on WhatsApp to air her grievance. The anger was crystal clear; her texts echoed shadows of pain, anger, and disappointment. I could feel it. I wasn't empathetic towards her; this lady mocks me anytime my class is cancelled.

After the illuminating and thought-provoking poetry class, Lizzy and I went to the Faculty of Education so I could settle all my dues. Lizzy had already paid hers, so she stood by me, directed me to all the places I had to go to make the necessary payments. As hectic and demanding the process was, the more motherly and tender Lizzy became. I couldn't believe it. We couldn't get everything done, but the ground we were able to cover was remarkable.

On the other side of life, Miss Abs texted me to tell me she would leave me to go home. I've always waited for this lady, but she almost broke the sacred covenant ; all thanks to Unilag, this pledge still stands. Don't get it twisted, please; the covenant is not spiritual; we only promised each other to go home together. As she was going home, she met Lizzy and me at the Faculty of Education. I allowed her to go as the melancholy radiates on her face. It was almost 5; Lizzy and I hurriedly left Miss Abs to go to the drama class, but unfortunately, as we walked to the building, we were informed of the cancellation of the class.

My reaction when I was told? Honestly, I can't describe it with words. I quickly called Miss Abs to wait; I knew she wouldn't have gone far. Luckily, she had not boarded a cab when I called. As Lizzy and I walked to the gate, we stopped on our way to buy some clothes and accessories at an art gallery exhibition that was held in the school today. We dilly-dallied on the way, but in no time we got to Miss Abs. And we, the three musketeers, left for home happily. We decided not to allow the stormy character of the school take its toll on us.

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