The Ending of the First Semester

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The ending of the first semester was chaotic, energy-consuming, tempestuous, and eye-opening. These adjectives aptly describe the last days of my first semester at the bustling University of Lagos.

I tag the days chaotic and tempestuous because they were marked by confusion and a lack of order on our part - the students. We had been warned, tutored, and schooled about the challenges that newcomers face in a new environment, but most of us failed to listen. Perhaps we had to experience the consequences of disobedience firsthand.

The exam week marked the culmination of the first semester, and most of us in the English cohort were caught off guard. The realization of the exam dates' veracity stripped off our naivety, making us realize that this wasn't just a place for fun and games. To cope, we started pulling off overnight study sessions to meet the demands of the impending exams.

I was no exception; I did everything I could to make up for lost time. However, it was too late to catch up! You can't cheat nature! As the Holy Book says, there's a time for everything - a time to read, a time to play; everything has its season. We failed to apply this principle.

The last days were filled with confusion. Our eyes were opened to many disturbing realities. Some hoarded study materials, while others were generously sharing their knowledge. Some fell off the grid, unable to fight the exam pressure, while others crawled to the finish line. I was among those who crawled. The days were topsy-turvy; I did it anyhow.

We didn't prepare on time, so we only fought for good grades at the end, not for self-improvement. My friends and I have decided to defy the norms, striving for personal growth as we seek ways to apply what we learn to solve problems, not just pass exams. There's a wake-up call here.

Education effects a permanent change, and we strive for that change. What's the profit if I come out top on paper but fail to acquire the right skills? Memorization, superficial knowledge, and temporary change breed laymen. Studying and digging deep into the wells of knowledge make legends. Choose your path!

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