chapter 9 - The Ring

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Quite an awkward atmosphere..

Xie lian then grabbed his ring and looked at San lang, San lang looked at him ,"gege...?"

"Can I try?"

"Try..what exactly?"

"Kissing it again?"

San lang stared at him in confusion and then looked away in embarrassment, xie lian took that as a yes as he looked at the ring and pressed his lips on the it which gave San lang a shiver down his spine , xie lian placed the ring inside of his robes once again and chuckled, San lang looked at him as if he got offended which was quite funny for xie lian as he kept laughing.

San lang grabbed him and pinned him on the ground(bed) which startled xie lian , then as soon as San lang realised what he did he stopped himself and laid down moving gege closer to him so he could cuddle him as if he wasn't just about .. nevermind .

"San lang..?"


Xie lian pouted as he turned around , his back facing him , upset that he couldn't ask him another question. San lang wrapped his arms around xie lians waist pulling him closer and hiding his face in xie lains neck . Xie lian shivered a bit but smiled warmly , pulling the blanket over their bodies.


The birds chirped outside, the sun shining brightly. The weather was in between cold and warm. Xie lians eyes opened as he sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes , he looked at the side not seeing San lang and he became wide awake before he turned his head the other way just to see San lang sitting by the table with food on it , he also smiled softly at him.

Xie lian blinked a few times before stretching his arms and standing up slowly , as he walked towards San lang . San lang sat up from his chair and pulled him into a warm hug by his waist , gege laid his head on his shoulder for a while .

San lang then pointed at the food on the table saying that he cooked all this for xie lian before he woke up . Xie lian smiled, " thank you San lang.. "

San lang nodded , walking to the bed and sitting down letting xie lian eat in peace . He wanted to ask him a question, but was worried that it would've made him a bit uncomfortable so he kept it in. He then watched as xie lian ate his food , every second that xie lian took a bite it was obvious that he loved it.

Xie lian couldn't help but notice that San lang has been staring at him this whole entire time while he was eating. He waved his hand at him and it must've been that he has zoned out , lost in all his random thoughts. He sat up from his chair and walked over San lang , kneeling down . He gulped the last bite and then raised his hand to flick his forehead .

San lang flinched at the sudden flick and rubbed his forehead while staring at his gege with a childish expression, "ow..gege..what was that for.."

He whined before xie lian answered back : " you were lost in thought and staring at me while I was eating , I had to do something?"

"But when gege is eating he looks beautiful..-"

His mouth was shut by xie lains hand covering it, San lang blinked a few times tilting his head in confusion.

*please San lang.. stop teasing me so much..*

He thought before San lang wrapped his hand on xie lians wrists and pulling it down , he smiled as geges face looked puzzled. San lang chuckled , he looked over the table seeing that the plates were empty and then looked back at xie lian . Standing up , xie lians wrist was still held by San lang , he slowly let go and walked to the table picking up the plates one by one .

After he picked the 5 plates , xie lian quickly stopped him , ruoye then grabbed all the plates and threw them on the dishwasher without xie lian even telling them to do something. He gasped before pulling ruoye back aggressively, " ruoye! Don't just throw the plates like that! " He scolded ruoye . San lang froze , turning his head to xie lian then bursting into laughter .

Until he was stopped by a sudden touch , ruoye was pulling the ring from xie lians neck. San lang whined , xie lian then grabbed ruoye again and wrapped him on his hand tighter. He then placed the ring inside his robed again , touching his bare chest as gege quickly grabbed San langs arm before he fell down , he looked at him with worry in his eyes before he heard a small laughter coming out of San lang.

Xie lians worry faded , relieved that San lang is not in pain anymore.

"Ah..San lang..sorry about ruoye..its acting really aggressive for some reason.." xie lian apologised , before glaring at ruoye who was trying to untie itsself but then stopped when getting the glare , " it's probably aggressive because of your mixed mood today gege."



"You're not making it any better."

San lang smiled nervously , xie lian doing nothing but staring at him. There was supposed to be a reason behind xie lians mood swings , random nightmares , and awkwardness. Though San lang couldn't really figure it out that easily , even though he was quite familiar with xie lians moods and the rest ; he didn't really understand. Even when he tried to ask him , all he got was 'I'm not sure' or 'it's a bit complicated' every single time.

He didn't want to rush him of course but it still worried him that there's something that xie lian doesn't want him to know. Sooner or later he'll find out anyways , with yin yu's help also..

The embarrassment still had him , because of the ring , he's quite curious on how xie lian even found out about it. He knew his gege was smart , but knowing that the ring he gave him would affect his whole body if he does something to it , it is a bit weird.

Their position stayed the same , one staring at another .

One feeling nervous, and the other with complicated emotions. What else could happen..


Nervous San lang?! That's my tea


Mini theatre ~


Shi qingxuan was walking around a plain field with xie lian in silence while xie lian was holding a basket with fruits in that they collected.

"Your Highness, since you and hua cheng are so cl-"

"Don't start."

"Oh come on!! Let me finish!!"

"I'm not letting you finish anything."


"No wind master.."

"Pretty please?"

"No again.."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"You're allergic to cherries?"

Silence fell again .

"I'm not allergic to he xuans cherri-"

"Wind Master..."

He face palmed before walking faster , having shi qingxuan running after him.


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