Voyager 1:Spacecraft.

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In the strange world in PlanetAdventure..there's tons of odd things but even spacecrafts can talk? How odd indeed.

Voyager radio signals from Earth.

-Voyager 1 sighed in shame-

Voyager 1:It sucks to be all the way out here with nobody!

-he yelled-

Voyager 1:Aw crap..that's right there's no sound in hell with this! 

-He calmed himself down-

Voyager 1:It's not like I can do anything..I'm just a spacecraft all the way out here with nobody to talk to or do anything! It's Been like almost a year or so now! When are those puny humans gonna send another signal?

-He had to clam himself down again-

Voyager 1:It's okay....

With Voyager 2...

Voyager 2:It's crazy I even speak to myself? Isn't it..

-Voyager 2 gazed into the stars the best he could since his antennae are pointed towards Earth-

Voyager 2:Maybe one day I'll meet a new civilization..?

One day...

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