Chapter 7

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**Maddie's pov**
*1 month later*
I text Shelby to see I she wants to go do something.
Maddie: Hey you do anything?
Shelby: nope just at home watching YouTube lol.
M: Wanna come to my house and go for a bike ride!
s: sure I'll be over in 10.
M: Kk.
Thankfully I have 2 mountain bikes, so when Shelby comes over we can go.
"Hey, so where do you wanna ride to?" She asks.
"We can go grab some food from McDonalds!"
"Ok let's go"
We grab our phones and our purses that have our wallets and all that stuff. We go out in the garage and hop on the bikes. I grab the garage door opener and open the garage. We ride out and I close it. We ride down the trail that is down the block.
We walk into McDonalds and walk to the counter, where the perky brunette greets us. (A/N I have nothing against brunettes lol I just used it)
"Hey y'all! how may help ya today!?" She asks with a high pitched voice.
"Hi, um can I get 2 crispy ranch snack raps and a small fry please" I say.
"Yup" she says then looking at Shelby.
"Can I get a 6 piece chicken nugget with a medium fry and a Pepsi, please" says Shelby.
"Ok, and would ya like any dipping sauce for ya nuggets?" She asks Shelby.
"I'll get honey mustard please"
"Ok and did ya want a drink with ya meal?" She says looking at me.
"Yes I'll get a sprite please" I say.
"Ok ya total will be 15.97" she says.
I hand her my 20$ bill before Shelby could, I gave her a 'haha' smirk. She just rolls her eyes in return.
Behind us is a mother and her son that looks about 7. He's asking her if he can get the kids meal. The mother just tells him to shut up. Wow. That's what you call terrible parenting ladies and gentlemen. A different lady behind the counter hands us our tray of food and asks for the mom and her son what they want. We sit in a booth where we can see them.
"Please mom I want the kid meal" he says.
"Excuse me a second" the mom says to the lady behind the counter. She pulls his hand toward the corner where she thinks no one can see but we can. She smacks the little boy across the face and he starts to bleed where the mothers long nails cut. Shelby and I gasp. We run over to the little boy that's crying on the floor.
"Are you ok?" Shelby asks.
He cries harder.
The mother is now at the counter ordering her food and giving us the death glare. She can look at me like that for as long as she wants j don't care because the little boy is bleeding and I'm not just going to let him sit here with blood running down his face mixing with his tears. Shelby dials 911 and tells the dispatcher everything. By now every person in the McDonalds was crowding around us. I eyed the mother walking out of the McDonald's with her food in her hands.
"Ma'm you can't leave your child here!" A man yells. She doesn't even flinch. Shelby tells the dispatcher that she left and they said help will be on the way.

Not even a minute later we hear faint sirens that get louder and louder. I see the police heading towards us and I pray a silent prayer for the little boy. They take him away and I just sit there on the ground and watch.
"Come on we never ate our food" Shelby says nudging my arm.
We get up and sit in our booth, I take one small bite and take a drink of my sprite. I look over and see....Jack? I think. He was sitting with some girl and they were laughing. What the heck? Is he cheating on me?!? Shelby follows my eyes to see what I'm looking at and she looks at me wide eyed.
"Let's go" I say, grabbing my purse that has my phone in it.
When we finally got back to my house we were exhausted. It was 11:54pm.
"You can stay the night if you want" I say to Shleby whose spread across my bed typing up a book on an awesome app called 'wattpad'.
"Kk I'll text my mom"
Yea I'm really upset with Jack, but what if it wasn't what it looked like, ugh sometimes I hate being a girl. It's that time of the month and it's not making it any better.
"My mom said it's fine" she says looking over at me.
"Uh, ok"

Hey guys!
I'm really sorry I haven't updated lately. I have been really busy. Excuses...excuses *cue eye roll*. Well this is a really short chapter! Sorry😬. The next chapter should be interesting. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading📖.
2 random questions about this chapter/book.
1- Who do you think Jack was with?
2- who is your favorite character so far in the story?
Random question!
What is your favorite food to eat at McDonald's, if you don't ever go to McDonald's then what is your favorite food in general?
My answer: my favorite food from McDonald's would probably be their chicken nuggets and French fries🍟🍗.

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