𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 1

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Finney 3rdPOV:
It was 10:00 o'clock and dark and Finney was being pinned to the wall by his neck eyes turning red from the lack of air. "Dad... dad I didn't mean it ok I didn't mean to say that let him go he can't breathe"

Gwen says in fear while their mother laughed in the background at what she's watching on TV.


"daddy let him go please" Gwen said as tears rolled down her cheeks Terrence ignoring her turned back to Finney finally he let go of Finney's neck.

letting him breathe again as Finney started to gasp for air, Terrence grabbed him by the chest and pushed him back into the wall.

Terrence said.

Before Finney could answer his father punch him straight in the jaw.

Blood started pouring down his neck from his mouth "dad stop your hurting him" Gwen said "I KNOW IM HURTING HIM THATS THE FUCKING POINT MAYBE I'LL KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO HIS DISGUSTING THICK HEAD"

Terrence says as he walks over to Gwen.

In fear of her dad getting any closer to hit her.

She ran upstairs, feeling guilty about what is happening to her older brother.

Finney was now on the floor out of breath and wiping blood off his mouth "as for you" Terrence said

Turning back to Finney, looking down at him "if I hear one more mudder about you being gay or liking any boys I will beat you until you can't breathe boy"

Tarrant said in a low and raspy voice "I hate you" Finney said just to get kicked in his stomach


Terrence said, before walking into the living room to his wife

Robin's 3rd POV:

" Where the hell is it?" Robin's uncle says as he walks into Robins room "w-what are you talking about" Robin said

Turning around from drawing "my fucking weed i know you smoke the shit" Robin's uncle said as he started going through all Robin drawers, throwing things

"hey HEY STOP" Robin said getting up but his uncle just pushed him roughly back down into his chair "you don't fucking move Quiero mi hierba, pequeña mierda, sé que la tienes así que dámelo y no te haré daño (I want my weed, you little shit, I know you have it so give it to me and I won't hurt you)"

Robins Uncle said "i don't have it can you not understand" Robin said. Hearing those words come out of Robin's mouth, pissed his uncle off.

His uncle grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and punched him in the face the third time.

Robin pushed him off into the dresser. "I told you i don't have you're shit" Robin said as he wiped blood off his mouth "oh so you think you can fight me now huh"

Robin's Uncle said Robin scuffed, rolled his eyes and pick up his jacket then started walking towards the door " what do you think you're going at this time? No one told you can leave"

Robins Uncle yelled from the top of the stairs "it's not like either of you care what happens to me, so don't worry about it" Robin said, walked out of the door and into the dark street

Finney 3rdPOV:

Finney's finally gathered the strength to push yourself off of the floor and start to walk up the stairs "I didn't say you could stay here" Finneys Dad said coming out of the living room 

"What are you talking about" he said confused "I don't want to see your sorry ass face in my house for about three days" Terrence said as he grabbed Finney by the arm and threw him outside

"and if you come back before, then, I will beat you twice as hard" terrance said before closing the door. Finney got up off the ground dusting his self off and as he did he started to fill around in his pockets to make sure he had his phone.

The only thing he was wearing was a white T-shirt and gray sweatpants. He started walking around the street until he found a random alleyway it was quiet and no one was there he started to walk in the alley, until he reached the middle,

And slid down on the brick wall, putting his knees to chest and resting his head on the brick wall.
Finney started to slightly cry at the situation

'I have nowhere to go I can't keep living like this...should I just listen to everyone and end it or run away or something"

Finney thought as hot tears rolled down his face

'I hate my life so fucking much I just want it to end i can't take this shit anymore more'

Finney though as he put his head in between his knees. Just then he hard foot steps slowly getting closer towards him.

He quickly looked up to see a body frame he couldn't make out who it was but he could tell it was a man or boy.
as the frame got closer Finney got up quickly and backing away.

"hey sorry if I scared you" the person said as he stood in the light. As Finney got a good look at him he realized how pretty the boy was even with the bruises on his face"no...no it's fine" Finney said

"what happened to you you look a bit rough" robin said as he tied back his shoulder length hair back "I could say the same" Finney says "yeah I guess you could" Robin said slightly laughing

" what are you doing out here all alone it's too dark for a pretty boy like you to be out here at this time" Robin said

"and again I could say the same" Finney said "well I'm not alone anymore...ummmm what happened to you"

Robin said seeing a dark bruise around Finney's neck and blood on his shirt "not a nice house I live in and you" Finney said "same" Robin said

sliding down the brick wall and sitting down. Finney followed and sat down next to him "I'm Robin" Robin said, turning to look at Finney with a weak smile.

"I'm Finney" Finney said giving back the same energy "you should probably get home it's pretty late" Robin said "i can't really do that" Finney said "why not" Robyn said, generally curious "m-my dad said I can't come home until he says so" Finney said not knowing why he's telling a complete stranger what's going on

"do you have a place to crash" robin said " no, I just figured I'd wonder around until the sun came up and then go to school" Finney said "well I'm not trying to go home either...how about a hotel room"

Robin said "wander around dark streets all night or get a hotel room with a cute guy that found me in an alleyway crying" Finney said Robin raised an eyebrow, seeing if Finney would say yes.

"I don't have any money for a room though" Finney said jokingly "don't worry niño bonito I'll pay" Robin said getting up and holding out a hand for Finney.

Hopefully you guys really like this book. I will be trying to update as much as I can because I do have two other books. It'll be really nice if you would go check those two out. And if you don't like the music, it's ok but I think it's a little better with the music but thank you for reading. Please leave a comment I would love some feedback

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~Rinney Where stories live. Discover now