𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2

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(3rd POV)
Finney took Robin's hand and got up but the pain from his dad kicking him in the stomach shot through him. He felt a wave of pain hitting him as he stood up.

He groaned under his breath as he held his stomach. "You ok" Robin said as they walked out of the alley "yeah I'm fine" Finney said.

As they walked it wasn't uncomfortable or anything it was nice. The two boys have never felt so comfortable walking in silence with someone before.

Though the silence was nice they wanted to get to know each other.

"It's kind of weird don't you think" Finney said "what is" Robin said looking over to Finney.

"us getting a hotel room together we don't even know each other" Finney said in a light and calm tone

"well then ask me anything you'd like to know" Robin said

"ummm Do you have a good relationship with your parents?"
Finney said

"umm no my dad passed away a year ago our relationship wasn't bad but we just never got the opportunity to bond I guess and my mom just doesn't care about me...what about you" Robin said

"my mom is an alcoholic I don't think she even remembers that she has kids and my dad...as a pretty bad temper"

Finney said the rest of the walk to the hotel they got to know each but only the surface they didn't get into anything deep.

They didn't want each other the finding out how messed up they really were. Because in their eyes they both found someone they didn't want to lose


Once they made it to the hotel they walked into the empty lobby with only one person sitting at the front counter she looked a few years older than the boys not to old.

"oh my are you boys alright" the lady said seeing the big bruise on the side of Robin and the bruises on Finney's neck and jaw "yeah we're good can we get a room please" Robin said once they both got to the counter

"umm of course would you like a two bed or one" the lady said Robin looked at Finney with Appealing expression. Finney looked up to him with a little laugh then turned back to the lady "a one bed is fine" Finney said

"ok that will be 25 dollars" she said turning around to pick up a key card then passing it to Robin as he paid."oh and if you boys would like some fresh clothes I can send some up there. We just recently started handing out extra clothes." The lady said "that would be nice thank you"

Finney said as they started to go dawn the hall ko find their room. Once they did Robin tossed his self on the bed while Finney looked around the room.

There was a TV in front of the bed, a mini fridge and a bathroom after looking around he sat next to Robin with sleepy eyes "tired" Robin said sitting up

"kind of how about you" Finney said watching as Robin got up to sit up straight.

Now that they were in better light Finney got a really good look him.

Finney started to admire the boy in front of him

his soft tanned skin and his hooded amber eyes and thick, brown shoulder length hair.

Finney didn't realize and he was staring until Robin said something "you're so gorgeous i mean in the dark you looked beautiful but in the light" Robin said in his low and husky voice as he gazed at Finney's every feature

"you think so" Finney said. inches apart from each other, staring at each other's eyes then lips just before they go any closer someone knocked on the door

"housekeeping" at the sound of someone else's voice Finney slowly moved away from Robin

"you gonna get that" Finney said to Robin he then got up off of the bed and went to the door.

He opened it to see a small lady with clothes in her hand. " here you go We're sorry we forgot to ask for your sizes. Hope this fits" the lady said handing Robin the clothes

" it's fine thank you by the way" Robin said with a smiling closing the door.

Finney got off the bed walking up to Robin "do you mind if I take a shower first" Finney said taking a one of the gray sweatpants and T-shirts out Robin Hands

"oh it's fine go ahead" Robin said. "Thanks" Finney said going into the bathroom

(30 minutes later)
Both boys were in bed watching the zombie apocalypse "I'm tired can we turn the tv off" Finney said.

"yeah it getting boring anyway" Robin said turning off the tv and the lamp next him.

Then laying down Finney was on one side of the bed and Robin was on the other side it was quiet before Robin let his intrusive thoughts win

"can you come closer to me" he said

"what" Finney said turning his head towards Robin with a little blush

"come closer" Robin said and Finn did as he started to scoot backwards to get closer to Robin and once Robin could feel Finneys body heat, he pulled him closer by waist and put his arm around in Finney.

Robin soon fell asleep with Finney in his arms. 30 minutes later Finney's phone started to ring he reached for his phone to see it was his dad.

Finney breath started to speed up a bit

He was nervous about what his father, might have to say he got out of bed and left the room going into the hallway then answered


"You need to get your ass back home you're mom wants to come back"

"You said not to"

"And now I'm telling you to come back"

"I don't want to"

" why not you scared or something did I raise you to be scared"

"N-no I'm-"


Finneys hand started his shake, and his breathing start to pick up quickly He sat on the floor leaning up against the wall

'fuck calm down, calm down'

Finney thought as he could feel a panic attack coming. Finney started to rub his chest back-and-forth as it started to tighten up.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~Rinney Where stories live. Discover now