𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7

147 6 3

3rd POV

"Did you tell them about my dad" Finney said nervously "I-i didn't mean to we were just talking and it slipped out" Robin said sounding guilty

"Robin...we can't be friends anymore" Finney said. Robin quickly sat up in his chair leaning closer to Finney "I'm sorry I didn't know l-" "Robin it's fine you don't really want to be friends with me anyway" Finney said.   

"what makes you think that?" Robin said with a confused look "billy said I'm just a distraction so I'll leave you alone now" Finney said grabbing his stuff, and then leaving Robin shocked

(3 days later Wednesday)

Robin and Finney Haven't talked to each other for three days and today Robin didn't show up for school and for some reason it was eating at Finney all day.

He felt as though something was wrong "Finney could you please come here" a teacher said from her classroom calling Finney into the empty room.

"Yes" Finney said as he approached the desk "could you please give this math packet to Robin Arellano I know he's a friend of yours" the teacher said holding up the packet

"oh we're not really friends anymore" Finney said "well do you know wear he lives because his math grade is really low And this is extra credit"

"yeah..i do" Finney said taking the packet "good now have a good rest of your day" the teacher said Finney nodded and left the room and went
home cause it was the end of day.

Once Finney was home he just dropped off his bag at the door and went to Gwen's room

"oh you're home" Gwen said once she heard her door open "yeah how do you feel" Finney said "better my fever is gone" Gwen said sitting up

"Oh mom and dad left again it's weird don't you think they've been leaving the house a lot lately" Gwen says

"yeah but it's probably nothing but I have to go to Robins house to give him something" Finney said "do you still like him" Gwen said laughing

"no I don't and never did" "yeah whatever ...just be back before 6 because mom said they'll be back then" Gwen said laying back down "ok love you hope you feel better" Finney said "love you to" Gwen said as Finney closed the door.

Finney went back downstairs to get the math packet out of his book bag and then left the house

(At Robins house)

Finney raised his fist to knock on the door once he did a tall man in a wife beater opened up

"who the hell are you" he said in a raspy voice "umm i go to school with Robin" Finney said "so why the fuck are you here" "to drop off his homework here"

Finney said passing the man the packet "upstairs first door on the left" the tall man said stepping aside "oh and good luck trying to talk to him he's been up there since last night"

the man said before going to what Finney assumed was his room. Finney slowly made his way to Robins room he was about to knock but hesitated.

But he raised his hand again and knocked on the door, but didn't get an answer. So he decided to speak up "h-hey it's me Finney" Finn said loud enough for only Robin to hear.

Finney heard a faint "come in" so he opened the door walking into a clean and cold room there was a vanilla scented candle, burning on an empty desk and his curtains were closed.

Robin was laying on his stomach with his face buried in his pillows and his arms above his head "hey beautiful" Robin said turning to look at Finney. Finney blushed at the nickname but kept a straight face.

"hey you're math teacher wanted me you give this to you" Finney said holding the packet up "ummm yeah I'm not gonna do that you could put it on my desk" Robin said

"what why not it's extra credit" Finney said "I'm not good at math so I just don't do it" Robin said turning his head back down.

Finney noticed how tired and upset he looked he didn't want to ask what's wrong but he did anyway "hey are you ok" Finney said walking closer to the bed "umm no.." Robin said "what's wrong?" Finney said feeling a bit bad for Robin

"I missed you" Robin Said turning his head back to Finney "how can you miss me you've only known me for a week" Finney said picking at the skin on his nails "I guess I get attached easily and actually two weeks now....you do know that I'm sorry for telling them" Robin said

"yeah I know I'm not mad" Finney said and it was was silent for a while before Finney spoke again "I should probably leave.... here's your math homework" he said walking to Robin's desk and setting the the packet down before going back to the door.

"wait" Robin said before Finney could touch the doorknob "yes" Finney said turning around

"could you lay down with me..just until I fall asleep" Robin said "I-i don't know..... never mind sure" Finney said taking off his shoes and then walking to the other side of the bed he laid on his side facing Robin.

So Robin turned to his side so that he was completely facing Finney "you know that I like you right?" Robin said under his breath in almost a whisper

"what" Finney said in a low voice as well "more than friends" Robin said "you do" "yeah...and I thought I messed everything up when I kissed you because you didn't say anything" Robin said

" my dad was home and told me to stop talking to you" Finney said. Robin then started to move closer towards Finney's face to the point they were inches apart Finney.

slightly nodded before Robin kissed him Robin's hand slowly moved up to Finney's cheek the kiss wasn't long but is wasn't short either.

Robin pulled away and laid back down still faceing Finney with his eyes half way open.

Finney lifted his hand up and brushed the little hairs out of Robin's face. "You can go to sleep now" Finney said with a little smile. (🤮 )

A few seconds later Finney sat up to leave but a pair of arms quickly wrapped around his torso and he was pulled back down into the bed

"I'm not sleeping yet" Robin said as he pulled Finney closer.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~Rinney Where stories live. Discover now