𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 4

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Finney POV:

I was half asleep when I felt someone gently shaking me "hey it's 6:30 we got to go Finn" I heard Robin say.

I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the light I then start to sit up

"hey we should probably get home first" Robin said as he put on his jacket "Oh...yeah"

I said getting out of bed "you ok" Robin said as I ran my fingers through my hair.
I looked at him as i started to put my shoes on "yeah I'm fine...can we just go"

I said grabbing my phone "umm yeah come on" he said opening the door. We walked in silence as the sun started to rise.

I thought about how today could turn out i know i have to go back home and if my dad is still mad he would just make me clean the entire house or he would beat me ether way it'll be better than going to school.

I know people are gonna look at me weird and talk shit I don't know why.

I never did anything to anyone so why do they hate me so much. And why does Bruce and now Robin suddenly like me my thoughts started to run in circles

"what are you thinking about" Robin said "umm nothing" I said "ok well this is my street I'll see you at school" he said as he started to walk away "yeah see you then" i said under my breath even though i knew he couldn't hear me.

I start walking the opposite direction of Robin.

I don't know why but I look behind me to see him turning the corner on to 35th Street. It's nice to know he doesn't live far I live on 37th Street.

I started to walk faster as I see my street sign soon i was in-font of my house.

I looked down at the ugly ceramic frog and I picked it up revealing the spare key that has been there for as long as I can remember.

Once I unlocked the door I put the key back and then opened the door luckily it was 6:50 and my mom and dad were asleep.

I look in the kitchen to see Gwen i knew she would be there because every morning she's the first one awake and ready "holy shit you scared me were have you been all night"

Gwen said as she walked out of the kitchen "dad kicked me out last night and then said i had to come back home" I said

"yeah well after you left mom went to your room and when she seen you were gone she got into a fight with dad" Gwen explain to me as we both walked into the kitchen

"really what happened?" I asked "you know the usual they screamed and yelled at each other and then had X and went to sleep" Gwen said putting her plate in the sink

"do you want something to eat before school" she said "umm no I'm good I'm Just gonna get ready before were to late" i said then went upstairs to my room.

as I walked in my room the cold air hit me my room was the only room in the house that didn't smell like cigarettes and alcohol. I close the door and went to my closet to pick out an outfit.

 I close the door and went to my closet to pick out an outfit

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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~Rinney Where stories live. Discover now