𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 8

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3rd POV

it was 9:34 when Finney woke up "dang" Finney say's under his breath as looked around the dark room.

Finney tried his best to get out of Robin's grasp as there legs were tangled and his arms being wrapped around Finney's body.

It was dark and Finney knew it had to be way past 6pm.

As he slipped out of bed.

He looked around for his phone but he couldn't find it.
He didn't want to turn on the lights so that he didn't wake up Robin.

So he just ignored the fact he couldn't find his phone and just made his way to the door.

But the second his hand touched the door knob he heard a click and with that a light turned on

"You're leaving" Finney heard behind him "sorry but I need to get home" Finney said as he turned around.

"Oh okay" Robin said as he sat up sounding a bit upset. Seeing this made Finney feel bad "hey I'll text you when I get home" Finney said forgetting that his phone is lost.

" k cool see you tomorrow" Robin said as Finney hurried out of the door as he made his way downstairs passing Robin's Uncle.

He thought about how his dad would react once he got home.

Time skip he's home

As Finney walked in the house the smell of cigarettes hit him "why are you home last it's 9:43"

Terrence says as he stood right in front of the door as if he were waiting for Finney to get home

"Dad I am so sorry I didn't mean to stay out late" Finn said quietly "did I tell you could go out" Terrence said

"No but my t-" Finney couldn't even finish his sentence before his dad's hand went across his face.

"Were the hell did you go!!" Terrence yelled "I dropped off a paper for my friend" Finney said under his breath "and that took you 6 fucking hours you're lying....g-go upstairs"

Just as Finney was about to walk away his mom came out of the kitchen but she looked completely different.

She looked like she took a shower and she had put her hair into a
bun, she was wearing a pair of mom jeans and a black long sleeve tight shirt.

" oh Honey, you don't have to be so rude..." Miranda says (Finney's mom)

"Go upstairs now" Finney's dad says

Finney makes his way upstairs to his room when he notices his door is open a little.

He quickly turns on the light after fully opening the door.

The boy was shocked as he looked around the room. The entire room was destroyed there was glass and trash everywhere.

The smell of alcohol and cigarettes hitting him as he tried his best not to cry.

The blanket on his bed had cigarette burns covering it as well as glass

Finney then noticed his desk it was trashed with papers and alcohol.

Finney was stuck at his door frame.

"Hopefully you'll remember this next you wanna leave the house with out telling anyone" Finney heard his  father voice

"w-where is all my art stuff" Finney asked nervously "gave it away" Terrence said as he walked away.

Just then Finney felt like breaking down but he didn't he just made his way into his room as glass snapped under his shoes.

And started cleaning he started by taking off he blanket just see more glass in between his sheets he then started to pick up pieces of glass not carrying that his fingers and palms were getting cut up


Finney says under his breath as he throughout his entire bed comforter out so that it was just the mattress which most likely had glass shards in it.

Time skip

Once Finney finished cleaning his room, he made a pallet on the floor and laid down in the dark until he fell asleep.

Time skip Thursday morning 11:34am

As Finney woke up he had realized how late he was for school. He rushed up and went to school after cleaning his self up and changing.

 He rushed up and went to school after cleaning his self up and changing

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At school at his locker

As Finney put his book bag up someone came up to him "Hola guapo (hello handsome) I was wondering if you were coming" Robin said causing Finney to turn and face him

"oh hey Robin" Finney said not very excited unlike Robin

Last night Finney made a deal with himself not to talk or be around Robin cause ever since he has it only caused more trouble for him at home with his dad.

"...sorry I gotta go" Finney said trying to walk away but was stopped " w-wait a minute here...you left your phone" Robin said pulling out Finney's phone

"Oh thank you" Finn says as he takes the phone "hey i wanted to know if you were free after school" Robin says

"Yeah but I don't think we should hang out..last night was a....mistake and to be honest you should probably just forget about it because I am" Finney says.

"Wait what why" Robin said but didn't get an answer Finney just took a small breath before walking away into the bathroom.

Sorry for not updating in a WHILE but hopefully I upload again soon in the meantime you could look at my other stories if you would like and plz tell me about any mistakes 🖤

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~Rinney Where stories live. Discover now