𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 3

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(3rd POV)

Finney started to clench his chest as it got harder to breathe. Robin  started to feel alone in the room he started to worry he looked around to see no sign of Finney.

So he looked outside the room just to see Finney on the floor taking quick breaths a few feet away from the room door. "Hey are you ok" Robin going up to him quickly

"i-i-i can't breathe" Finney said with his eyes closed. Robin got down and hugged Finney having his chest to Finney's "follow my breathing ok" Robin said slowing down his breathing making it more calm

After a while Finney breathing matched Robin's. "What happened" Robin said now sitting next to him "how did-" Finney said ignoring the question "i don't know I have a few.. so....what happened" Robin said looking over to Finney

"it's stupid I need to go home" Finney said as he rushed up but Robin grabbed his hand "hey-hey I know we just met but you can talk to me" Robin said.

As tears rolled down Finney's face "m-my dad called" Finney said wiping his face "why would your dad calling you give you a panic attack" Robin said a bit confused

"my dad did it" Finney said rubbing his neck "come back to the room I have something that might help...it helps me with my problems"

Robin said walking closer to Finney "b-but my da-" "please" Robin said cutting off Finney.

Finney nodded as he let Robin dragged him back to the room where they sat on the bed and turning on the lamp "what's gonna help" Finney said.

Robin pulled out out a blunt and a lighter "what is that" Finney said pointing to the blunt.

"Weed here" Robin said trying to pass it to Finney but he didn't take it "I'm sorry but i don't do drug's"

Finney said "come on doctors bottle up shit like this and call it medicine" Robin said holding up the blunt again.

Finney was hesitant at first, but took it. "Do you know how" Robin said as Finney looked at it in his hand.


"ok just put it to you lips and inhale wait a while before you exhale"

Robin said as he lit the blunt. "Ok" Finney said nervously as he does exactly what Robin told him.

As he exhaled, Robin expected him to cough or something, but he didn't it was like he did this a-million times "I thought this was your first time"

Robin said as he took the blunt and took a hit "it is" Finney said, squinting his eyebrows "so what exactly happened" Robin said.

For the past 45 minutes Finney and Robin talked and talked about everything Finney just assumed that the only reason he was telling Robin everything was because this was his first time being high.

But Robin knew that he liked Finney and for some reason trusted him. That's why he talked to him about his personal issues.

He even talked about his dad which he never did and so did Finney but the difference is that Finney hates his dad and Robin misses his so the why they describe their fathers were in a very different way.

And then they got to the rough part they some how started to talk about their mental health issues "apparently I have Impulse control and addiction problem's" Robin said "oh is it hard" Finney asked "I mean it was in freshman year but it's better now....I think" Finney just nodded

"how about you" Robin said "ummm i don't know i mean my life is weird i guess like in school i don't have any friends and everyone-body hates me for some reason" Finney said looking at the black tv screen while talking to Robin.

"I can't see why people would hate you" Robin said not taking his eyes off of Finney.

Like he's been doing the entire time they've been talking "i don't know what I'm doing wrong and all the bullying does not help with my Degrading thoughts"

Finney said but then he realized how much he's been talking about his self and started to feel bad

"I'm sorry" Finney said tiredly "for what" Robin said confused "for talking so much i know you don't care about my problems" Finney said crossing his arms around his stomach "no-no i love hearing you talk especially if it makes you feel better" Robin said

"oh really" "yeah you seem like you need to get this stuff off your chest anyway" Robin said.

Finney just yarns as he nodded his head "tired hermoso" (beautiful)
"Yeah" "come on" Robin said as him and Finney laid down in the same spot they did before they got up. "We still have to go to school tomorrow"

Finney said not sounding to excited "yeah but it'll be fine" Robin said

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~Rinney Where stories live. Discover now