𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 6

135 5 6

3rd POV
"Barely" Robin said with a weak smile, as he started to kiss Finney's again.

Once both of them were out of breath they stopped kissing.

Robin closed his eyes and laid his head on Finney's shoulder "soft" Robin said under his breath in a sleepy tone "what?" Finney said a bit awkwardly and confused "your lips"

he said before falling asleep just then Finney heard the front door open and then closed and foot steps coming upstairs "shit...Robin..Robin wake up" just then his door opened revealing Gwen

"hey I'm home.....is that a boy in your bed" Gwen said walking closer to the bed "umm huh umm no... no no it's not" Finney said nervously "oh my god it is" Gwen said in a whisper noticing that Robin is sleeping

"Gwen get out" Finney said waving his hand towards the door "awwww you're nervous you're little boyfriend is gonna see me" Gwen said in a mocking way "Gwen i swear to god" "ok ok then good night" Gwen said leaving the room

Time skip to the next morning

Once Finney woke up he turned to face Robin "Robin" Finney said under his breath "huh" Finney didn't answer he didn't expect him to be up then he started to sit up and get out of bed

"umm you should probably get home" Finney said "umm sure...hey do you have any pain medicine"

Robin asked as he got out of the bed rubbing his forehead "umm i don't know...you remember last night right?" Finney said "yeah we kissed" Robin said with a tired smile "you need to leave" Finney said

pointing to his door "why i mean I will but why" Robin said "because my parents will be home soon and I'm not allowed to have friends over" Finney said

as he pushed Robin out of his room and dragged him to the front "weird but okay" Robin said as Finney closed the door on him.

Finney turned around to go back to his room but was stopped by his dad "who the hell was that" Finney dad said coming out of the living room

"dad y-you're home" Finney said "who the fuck was that!" "My friend he's just a friend" Finney said nervously

"I thought i told you no friends AND ESPECIALLY NO GUYS OVER" Terrence said pushing Finney into a wall "i don't want to see you with that kid again" terrance said

"dad he's just a friend" Finney said "I DONT CARE IF I SEE YOU WITH A BOY IN MY HOUSE AGAIN IM TAKING ALL THAT ART SHIT" Terrance yelled in Finney's face.

Finney turned his head to the side avoiding his dad. "Do you fucking hear me boy" Finney's dad said and in response Finney nodded "now go upstairs to your room you're not allowed to leave for the weekend and if you get hungry, you better hope your sister brings you something to eat" Terrance says before leaving to go back to the living room once Terrance was out of Finney's eye shot he quickly went up to his room.

When Finney got to his room and felt like crying but he didn't. He just laid down and stared at the wall until he fell asleep Finney didn't realize how sleepy he was until he woke up at 9 pm.

"Shit" Finney said as he got out of bed "my sleeping schedule is ass" Finney said going to his room door needing to use the bathroom once he opened the door he could hear his dad yelling at the tv.

He quickly went to the bathroom across the hall brushed his teeth and did his business before quickly, sneaking back into his room.

Once Finney got back to his room he decided to. Continue his vintage painting And for the past 30/40 minutes that's what he's been doing since he had nothing else to do.

After a while he decided to let it dry and to watch tv. When he got in bed he got a text after putting the covers on he opened he phone to see it was Robin

Robin🫀: hey wyd~read

But Finney didn't respond he wasn't supposed to see or talk to Robin anymore

Robin🫀:I just wanted to say sorry for last night I didn't mean to pour all that all on you~read

And again Finney didn't answer

'It's fine he was gonna get bored of me anyway'

Robin🫀~ and I'm sorry for kissing you~read

'Do i respond...no I'm just gonna make it worse plus he was drunk so the kiss didn't matter to him"

Finney thought

Robin🫀:you know i can see if you read my message right~read

'Shit stop looking' finney though as he threw his phone to the other side of the bed.

But then he got another text but he didn't look. He ignored it and the last two messages.
Then he started to watch tv just to have something to look at while he started thinking.

'I'm not even an interesting person he was going to get bored of me one way or another
Finney thought

he bit his nails looking at the TV

'this is stupid I'm stupid why did i decide to get close to anyone"
Finney thought


When Finney woke up this morning he didn't talk to anyone he barely even looked at anyone when he got to school.

Robin tried to talk to him and get his attention but first and second period Finney avoided him. Finney had one more class before lunch so he was on his way to his locker once he got to his locker billy and Vance were there

"ummm hey" Finney said holding onto his book bag straps confused "hey Blake we're gonna need you to stay away from Robin" billy said leaning against his locker

"ummm I-" Finney says but gets cut off "just listen i'll kick the shit out of you if you don't and i know you don't want that since daddy does it enough" Vance said walking closer towards Finney

"okay sorry" Finney said backing up "plus he doesn't need you as his little distraction anymore" billy said as him and Vance started walking away.

Finney opened his locker ignore the urge to cry. He then started thinking how Vance knew about his dad. He grabbed his math book and walked to class.

The minute his class was over. He went straight to the library. He decided to sit at one of the tables.

And for five minutes he had some peace and quiet before someone came up to him sitting in the chair across the small table.

"Hey Finn" "oh umm Robin" "why are you ignoring me" Robin said leaning back in his chair "I'm-I'm not it's just..... a big school" Finney said "two of the main hallways are closed off and your locker is 6 dawn from mine" Robin said

"oh you've noticed that" Finn said looking everywhere but at Robin "i've also noticed you ignoring me all weekend"

"My phone was dead...all weekend" Finney said as he thought of a way to get out of the situation

"Finn what's up" Robin said and just then he remembered what Vance said "how does Vance know about my dad" Finney said "what ?"

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~Rinney Where stories live. Discover now