Headcanon things

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Reds Childhood (and trauma)
When Red was born, something went wrong with her mom and her birth ended up killing her mom.
Red's dad raised her but took very bad care of her. When she was old enough to do things on her own, her dad gave her many chores and over worked her. One day she messed up really bad and he got really angry at her and abused her and beat her and yelled at her. She tried to run away but he caught her and locked her away in the basement for a long time. When he let her out again she was malnourished and dehydrated but he continued to control her and hurt her. After another year, Red tried running away again and was successful. She found a portal (that she still knows about today) that led to Alan Becker's PC, were the others were. She never told them about her childhood and never plans on telling them.
Back with Reds dad, he got ill after a few years and died.
And with my headcanon that Red can see ghosts, she can see and talk to her mom, Purples mom, Victim, Gold, TDL, and her father. She try's to avoid contact with TDL and her father, especially when the two are together, cause she's afraid they will hurt her.
(The song up top fights this so good)

TDL's weird obsession with Red
I have another headcanon that TDL has a weird obsession with haunting Red. Like almost as if he loves her. He likes to knock her into the outernet void were he is and haunt her and stuff and it makes Red feel uncomfortable.

I don't know how many of you have any headcanons like this. They are kinda weird lol.


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