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Part 2

⚠️ Trauma, Spelling errors

This chapter is more wholesome I hope. Also, I really like how this is going. I'ma tie it into the RTOE saga. I have time this week so yay.

1944 words (I write to much I think 🤔)


Purples POV

Purple walked up to the door of the house with grocery bags in her hands. She and Mango had gone shopping just to get their minds of the accident Red had been in.

Purple placed the bags on the counter and then hurried to her room and checked her phone for messages. Sure enough, there was one. Purple clicked it and a wave of relief washed over her when she heard Reds voice. Purple tried calling Red back, but she didn't pick up. Purple sighed and got off her bed and ran down to Mango to show him the message. Then she would text Green. She would hope to call Red again later.

Reds POV
Red woke to the phone ringing, but she didn't have enough energy to answer it. She closed her eyes again.
There was a knock at the door and a nurse walked in.
"Hi Red. We're going to do some check up and tests, ok?"
Red said weakly. Another nurse walked in and a doctor. He set down a brief case and pulled out a needle. Carefully, he stuck it into Red's skin and then pulled it out again and placed whatever it was inside a container.
The doctor did some more weird test things and after about 5 tests, he packed his stuff back up and everyone left. It was already 8:00 at night and Red was worn out. She closed her eyes again and fell into a fitful sleep. Nightmares replayed the car crash. At one point, Red even woke up crying.

When finally morning came, Red felt a little better. She called in the nurse and asked her if she could go for a walk. The nurse was hesitant but she agreed, so long Red took it easy.
The nurse helped Red sturdy herself and then Red limped around for a little.
After the walk, Red got breakfast, which consisted of jello and juice, since that was all Red could eat right now.
After breakfast Red got bored and watched TV until the doctor came back with a diagnostic.
"Good morning Red!" The doctor greeted warmly, "how'd you sleep last night?"
"Wonderful, wonderful. Well, we got back your tests from last night."
The doctor pulled over a chair.
"Your insides don't seem to have been infected by the crash, though they are still a little shaken up, you may eat harder food. Just eat slower for now."
Red nodded.
"We did get some more information, though, Red. We ran a few traumatic tests. I'm afraid to say, they came out positive. Red, you have been diagnosed with C PTSD, complex post traumatic stress disorder."
The doctor said seriously. Red's eyes widened. That explained the nightmares she had had.
"We also took some blood tests."
The doctor said as he pulled open his laptop. "I'll blow it up on the TV for you to see. We found a strange white thing that is flowing through your blood stream. We couldn't tell if it's doing any harm to you and we have no idea what it is. The good news is, you can go home today. Do you have someone to pick you up?"
Red nodded.
"Will you have to tell them what you found out?"
She asked.
"Yes. We want to make sure you are cared for. I know it's going to be tough, but C PTSD is very serious. We will send home some medicine to help with it, but we will need your friends and family to care for you also."
Red didn't respond and looked away from the doctor. Her thoughts raced. She crashed their car, wasted money, and now they were going to have to worry about her more? The doctor sighed and got up.
"I'll let you call your friends and family. Take it easy."
He turned off the TV and then left the room with the nurses.

Red picked up the phone and called Purple back. She picked up after a few rings.
"Hello? Red?"
"Hi Purple."
"Oh my word! Red! I heard your message earlier! Are you ok?"
"I'm as good as I can be when you're covered in bandages with two broken bones."
Red joked.
"Aw. At least you still have a sense of humor."
Purple said, trying to be enthusiastic, "when can you come home?"
"Today. Will you pick me up?"
Red asked.
"Yes of course! I'll tell Mango right away."
Purple said.
"Ok. Thanks Purple."
"So... What exactly happened? Like, how'd you get into such an accident? Green didn't explain much. All he said was you were in a coma from a car crash."
"Oh... Well I was out shopping and I was rushing to get home and ran a red light."
Red said, skipping the fact she had been out with TDL.
"Oh. Why were you in a rush? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions. You don't have to answer."
"It's ok. I just didn't want to get questioned by the others about why I was shopping so late at night so I tried to get home fast. But it back fired. I probably won't be aloud to drive for a long time now."
Red explained. Purple sighed on the opposite side of the phone.
"I guess I'll tell MT to come get you. What room are you in?"
Purple asked. Red told her the number and then hung up.
"Now to get bored and obsess over everything while I wait."
Red murmured to herself as she put down the phone.

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