Epilogue: G̩̱ͩ̏͜l̙͖̑̾ͣỉ͔͖̜͌t̲̂̓ͩ̑c͕͗ͤ̕̕ḣ̖̻͛̓

75 2 6

Spelling errors 🥴

Minor Warnings: glitch, pain, angst, sadness


TDL paced back and force. The void was boring and haunting people had gotten old and now he felt alone.
He grumbled and cursed to himself and locked out everyone from his life.
"I wish, I flipping wish, I could be alive again. I'll do anything to be alive!"
He yelled into the emptiness, "I'LL BE GOOD! I SWEAR! JUST GET. ME. OUT. OF. HERE!!"
A tear of insanity ran down his cheek.
"There's gotta be a way... Ruby would know..."
He murmured.

Later on, he wandered back into the more "populated" area of the outernet. Dark called it "the place of disgrace", being his "I hate everyone" self.
With much disgust, he found his way to contact with Ruby. She turned to him and her normal cheerful expression fell.
"Oh hi Dark."
She greeted him unenthusiastically.
"Hello Ruby. I was wondering, do you know what happened to Victim? Its been awhile..."
TDL asked her.
"Not really. There's a rumor he found a way to live again... Why are you asking?"
She said carefully.
"Oh y'know just wanted to know what happened to my big brother."
TDL smirked. Ruby looked at him blankly and TDL stared right back at her.
"Well whatever. Talk to some time."
She turned around and left.

TDL hurried back to his little emo spot that he sat at and thought about what Ruby had told him.

An evil smile crossed his face. He knew, kinda, that Red had to have some connections to a way to get him alive again. And she better have a way or he would destroy the Outernet and the Internet at once.

TDL had snuck out of the Outernet endless and now was in the Outernet view.
He used Outernet powers and teleported to Reds house. Carefully, he looked around for her and her other friends. It was currently day time on the earth so they were all out and about doing who knows what.
TDL knew Red could see him and that TSC had some kinda weird glitchy thingy that accessed the voids, but he couldn't control it, and it mostly happened in dreams.
TDL snuck inside the house and into Red room.
He searched EVERY drawer and EVERY crevasse until he came across a hidden pile of sticker-like objects.
He mumbled and picked one off the pile of approximately 10 stickers.
"Oh, to flipping bad, she'll loose one. She'll survive. Now I'm going to fix this all up. I'm going to revive myself and make myself a better, more likeable person. Alan toxified me, but I, being an all powerful hacker, can change that..."
He explained his whole plan to the sticker he held.
Quickly, he ran to the animation app and applied the sticker to himself after making sure no one was around.
The sticker sent a vibration and shock through his body. A light drifted up his legs and to his head, giving him the real life look and taking away transparent ghosty look. The shock started up his heart beat again and all his organs turned back on, thumping life into him. He laughed and looked at his arms and hands.
"Now time to reprogram some stuff. Let's see..."
He clicked on a box and the program things popped up. He clicked on the "[mission]" box and erased the note that has been there before, which had read, "[mission: defeat The_Chosen_One.]"
He picked up letters from all around and placed them in order and spelled out, "[be a cool person that isn't evil but is strong and smart and dramatic and funny]".
He hit the enter button.

A high pitched sound.
A ringing.
Suddenly, a sound wave thrust through the coding box and TDL lost his balance and fell.
He hit the ground and felt a weird, staticy spasm shocked his body. He felt paralyzed and for a couple seconds he blacked out.

When the shock drifted off and TDL opened his eyes, he felt no different. He looked back at the box he had just edited and realized it looked really weird.

It read, "[G̶̨̛̼̹̮͚̻͔̘̣͉͈͚̏̈́̿̅̀̏̀͌͒̀̐̇́͘l̷̢̨̨̫̼͙̞͉̗͉̖̲̖̞̿̉i̵̢̢̡͚̩̞̥͕̜̻̫̩̐̈͘͜t̵̏͛̃̍́̈̚͜͝️c̸̛͕̯͂̐̓͗͊͛͝ȟ̸̨̯̲̝̳͓͎̭͖͊̄̔̽̓̂̋̇̋̀̕̚͜]"

He blinked a few times and then shrugged it off.
'All will be fine, duh.'
Quickly, he closed the tab and ran towards the house again. And for a moment, he forgot he wasn't a ghost and ran spack into the door.
"Oh right. I'm alive now. This'll take some time getting used too."
He murmured while rubbing the bump on his head.
"Maybe I shouldn't break into their house..."
He thought aloud and stared at the door before turning around and leaving.

Present time:

TDL stood and stared in shock.  He was... Dead. Again. In the Outernet. All alone.
A tear slipped down his face, then another, then another.
"What have I done?!"
He said aloud.
"Oh oh no no no! Oh, I've messed up! I've messed up!"
He covered his head with his hands and his thoughts raced.
"The glitch... "
He mumbled.
"Why'd I have to have a glitch... "
TDL looked up and saw Ruby standing and looking at him, shock and concern shown on her face.
"Are you... Crying?"
She asked quietly.
"I'm so so sorry Mrs. Ruby. "
TDL whimpered.
"Oh... "
"I messed up. Messed up really bad. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have tried to come back to life, I should have thought of the dangers, I should have been smarter. I'm no genius, I'm a fool. I'm sorry Mrs. Ruby."
TDL looked at the ground.
"TDL... She'll forgive you."
Ruby tried to sound encouraging. TDL shot his head up.
"She would never forgive me. I did an unforgettable thing. I tried to hurt her! Ma'am, I mean no disrespect, but I don't think you know your daughter. She is stubborn, in a kinda cool way... But s-she couldn't forgive me."
"She could and I know she would. Dark, don't say such things about yourself. All you need to do is talk to her."
Reds mom tried to get TDL to listen to her but TDL just shook his head.
"No. I couldn't look at her ever again without that unbearable feelings of regret. I'm sorry Ruby, but please, just... leave me alone."
Dark turned his back to her and started walking away.
"Dark, please, just try talki-"
"Ruby, please go!"
Dark snapped and then covered his head in his hands again. Ruby looked at him sadly and then let the wind of the Outernet wisp her away.

TDL cried. And cried and cried.
"I was such a waste... "
He mourned.
"Such a waste... "

Now that is the end. I feel bad for Dark though... 😔

A few definitions for context:

Outernet endless: the main area of the Outernet. You can't see all that happens on earth from that place. Also it's endless, has no end, eternal, ect.

Outernet view: The place were the Outernet and the internet mix. All ghosts have the ability to enter and then have contact with those who can enter the Outernet limited, which is a wide area of Outernet were the people (like Red) can enter, but it has an end. Ghosts can also just in general watch all of life as it moves around. They can only be in the Outernet view, though, for a limited amount of time.

TDL's Glitch: The glitch was a random virus that some how hooked itself onto Darks new code. When the virus had gotten all inside him it could make him angry at any random moment. When TDL tried to hurt Red, that was when the virus decided to unleash all it's corruption into TDL which caused him to go mad and try to hurt someone. Another thing, when the glitch entered TDL, it ate away his power code, so Dark became powerless and was almost like a normal stick figure, just a little stronger. The code Dark had plugged in at first was still inside him until the virus decided to take over. When TDL died, the virus also died, so now TDL is back to "normal".

I think that's all...


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