5: enchanted

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(A/n I'm so sorry for not updating on time....I had a test yesterday so I had to prepare for it. I hope you are enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote and leave some comments🤍).


In the soft glow of ambient lighting, I felt a hot glare on me as I wrapped up my speech.

My eyes landed on a vision of ethereal beauty draped in a pristine white ensemble.

The fabric delicately clung to his every curve, gracefully revealing a shoulder that seemed to radiate an otherworldly allure, captivating my attention like a spell cast by an enchantress.

As he stood with subtle grace, the fabric cascaded down his shoulder, unveiling a flawless expanse of skin that glowed in the ambient radiance.

(Of course I noticed Mingi but I can't waste my precious time staring at him right)

The play of shadows and light created a mesmerizing dance, accentuating the delicate features that adorned his face, leaving me spellbound and entranced by the sheer elegance before me.

From across the room, my gaze was drawn irresistibly to him, and in that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the enchanting figure in white.

The exposed shoulder became a focal point, a testament to the beauty that transcends societal norms, evoking a deep admiration for the courage and self-assurance that emanated from his being.

Enchanted by the fusion of innocence and provocation, I found myself immersed in the silent narrative woven by his presence.

It was not merely the external aesthetics that captivated me but the mysterious magnetic aura that enveloped him.

In him, I discovered a celebration of individuality, a symphony of elegance and self-assuredness that defied conventional expectations.

In that transcendent moment, I realized that true beauty knows no boundaries of gender, it is an expression of authenticity and strength.

The enchanting man in white had become a living embodiment of this realization, leaving an indelible mark on my soul and forever altering my perception of the beauty that exists beyond the confines of societal norms.

My cold heart started pounding rapidly as the young man walked towards me being pulled by Mingi.

I cursed under my breath trying to calm down my heart.

I averted my eyes and pretended like I wasn't basically eye fucking the gorgeous male.

Mingi wished me and engulfed me into a suffocating hug that I love obviously

Mingi pushed the exquisite boy to me and my eyes locked with his.

All the loud music seemed to fade away as I got enchanted by his hazel brown eyes.

I might be delusional but I'm sure I saw a blush on his cheeks.

I smirked considering the effect I had on him.

Our moment was disturbed by a loud voice which I know whom it belonged to.

"Happy Birthday Sannie" Yunho exclaimed walking towards us.

"Thank you Yunho" I replied rolling my eyes dramatically as he pulled me into a hug.

" Ummm before I forget, Hyunjin and Minho sent these gifts for you since they couldn't come" Yunho said giving me three wrapped gifts.

I hummed in response as I took the the gifts and placed them with the rest.

"We gotta go now" Mingi said winking and grabbing his boyfriend as they walked away.

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