17: Doll

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Heyyy🤍🤍🤍 sorry for the long wait, I finally managed to complete my other book so now I'll be paying more attention to only two. So I might start giving you 3 updates per week depending on my mood and schedule🌸🌸

               **✿❀ ❀✿**

Hongjoong followed closely behind the tall figure, his steps light and calculated. The dim lighting of the hallway barely illuminated the path, casting long shadows on the walls that seemed to stretch and waver with every flicker of the overhead bulbs. His eyes remained fixed on the target, never letting the figure slip out of sight.

He paused momentarily at the door, his keen eyes scanning the area. It was quiet, almost too quiet for his liking, but it worked in his favor. Satisfied that no one was watching, he pushed the door open just enough to peek inside.

The brunette was at the sink, washing his hands, completely oblivious to the entrance behind him. His slender frame was tense but poised, the way his fingers moved under the water betraying a sense of familiarity with situations like this.

Hongjoong crept closer, each step silent yet purposeful, until he was within reach. Without hesitation, he yanked the male by his slightly long hair, the force of it causing the brunette to stagger slightly.

"What are you doing in our territory?" Hongjoong's voice was low, laced with a threat that needed no further elaboration.

The brunette remained silent, his eyes focused ahead, refusing to meet Hongjoong’s gaze in the mirror. The silence only served to fuel Hongjoong's growing frustration.

Anger flickered in his dark eyes, and he spun the male around, his hand shooting out to grab the brunette by the neck. The sudden movement caused the water from the sink to splatter, droplets glistening as they clung to the brunette's skin and the silver lace mask that obscured the lower half of his face. The mask itself was a piece of art, intricately designed with delicate patterns and adorned with small diamonds that caught the light. The touch of luxury seemed out of place in the dingy restroom.

The brunette's eyes, lined with precise black eyeliner and a subtle shimmer of silver eyeshadow, locked with Hongjoong's. His hazel brown orbs were sharp, calculating, and unwavering even under the rough treatment. There was no fear in his gaze, only a calm that bordered on defiance.

"Don't make me repeat myself, doll," Hongjoong spat, his voice dripping with impatience as his eyes trailed shamelessly down the brunette's body, taking in the fine details of his appearance the tailored clothing, the expensive cologne that lingered faintly in the air, the confidence that seemed to radiate off him in waves.

The brunette’s lack of response only served to stoke the flames of Hongjoong’s temper. His grip on the male’s neck tightened ever so slightly, his free hand balling into a fist. "I hate being ignored," he hissed, his frustration boiling over as he punched the wall beside the brunette's head, the impact causing the brunette to flinch slightly, a small crack forming in the plaster.

Hongjoong’s hand moved towards the lacey mask, intent on ripping it off to expose the identity of this intruder, but before he could, a sudden forceful punch landed on his stomach. The unexpected blow knocked the wind out of him, and he doubled over, groaning in pain.

Taking advantage of the brief moment, the brunette dashed out of the restroom, his footsteps echoing in the hallway.

Hongjoong quickly regained his composure, his expression darkening with anger. He bolted after the brunette, but when he burst through the door, his target had already vanished into the night.

"I'll find you, doll," he muttered under his breath, a dangerous smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he rubbed his injured fist. Turning on his heel, he made his way back to the VIP section where San was still engaged in the meeting.

"I lost him, but I know how to find him," Hongjoong whispered into San's ear, his voice barely above a whisper but carrying a weight that San immediately understood.

San's frown deepened as he nodded curtly, acknowledging the information. Without wasting another second, he addressed the group, his tone cold and dismissive. "Now, Jay, excuse me. I have somewhere to be." He rose from his seat, flicking the ashes from his cigarette with a practiced ease before signaling to Mingi to proceed with the deal.

As San made his way outside, he leaned against the hood of his car, taking a moment to finish his cigarette. The night air was cool against his skin, a stark contrast to the heated atmosphere inside the bar. He inhaled deeply, letting the smoke fill his lungs before exhaling slowly, his mind racing with thoughts of the mysterious brunette who had dared to enter their territory.

Inside the bar, Mingi slid the papers across the table toward Jay, his expression unreadable. Jay's eyes quickly scanned the documents, his initial excitement replaced by a deep scowl.

He had to give 40% of his profits to San.

"This isn't fair!" Jay slammed his fists on the table, his voice rising in anger. The outburst caused a few heads to turn, but Mingi remained unfazed, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Take it or leave it," Mingi replied coolly, his tone almost bored as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. He knew they had the upper hand, and he was more than willing to exploit it.

Jay gritted his teeth, his eyes darting to the younger male, Ni-ki, who leaned in to whisper something in his ear. After a moment, Jay nodded reluctantly, his shoulders slumping slightly in defeat.

"Okay," Jay muttered, pulling the papers toward him and signing them with a flourish. He shoved them back across the table, his face a mask of barely-contained rage.

Mingi stood up, extending his hand to Jay. "Nice doing business with you," he said, his voice dripping with mock politeness. The two men shook hands, the tension between them palpable.

Jongho, ever the silent enforcer, grabbed the briefcase filled with gold and led the group out of the bar. As they exited, Hongjoong's nonchalant voice broke the silence. "So boring," he muttered, his mind still preoccupied with the encounter in the restroom.

San had finished his cigarette by the time the others reached the car. He signaled for them to get moving, his gaze drifting towards the passenger seat where Wooyoung was still fast asleep.

The younger male's face was peaceful, his lips slightly parted as soft snores escaped them. There was an innocence to him that contrasted sharply with the dangerous world San was so deeply entrenched in. For a brief moment, San allowed himself to simply watch him, a small, almost tender smile forming on his lips. 'He looks so adorable,' San thought, a rare warmth settling in his chest.

He carefully fastened his seatbelt, trying not to disturb Wooyoung as he started the car. This time, he drove at a normal speed, the streets passing by in a blur as the night deepened. By the time they reached the house, it was already dark, the city lights casting a soft glow against the shadows.

San parked the car and quietly exited, making his way around to Wooyoung's side. He opened the door gently, scooping the younger male up in his arms with ease. Wooyoung stirred slightly, but remained asleep, his head resting against San's chest.

The house was quiet as San carried Wooyoung inside, the soft creak of the floorboards the only sound as he ascended the stairs. He pushed open the door to his bedroom with his foot, careful not to jostle the sleeping boy in his arms.

Once inside, San laid Wooyoung gently on the bed, his movements slow and deliberate. He removed Wooyoung's shoes, tossing them carelessly to the side before turning his attention to the younger's uniform. With practiced hands, he undressed Wooyoung, replacing his clothes with one of his own oversized black shirts.

The fabric was soft and comforting, engulfing Wooyoung's smaller frame. San tucked him into the silk sheets, making sure he was comfortable before placing a soft peck on his forehead. Wooyoung sighed in his sleep, curling into the warmth of the bed.

San lingered for a moment, his eyes softening as he watched over him. But the night wasn't over yet. He still had business to attend to. With one last look, San walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower. The sound of water hitting the tiles echoed through the room as he undressed, stepping under the spray to wash away the grime of the night.

The water was hot against his skin, but it did little to ease the tension coiled in his muscles.

As the steam filled the room, San closed his eyes, letting the water run over him. .

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