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Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

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Third person's pov!

"What happened? Your Bubba is still angry?" Nidhi asked and Jeevika looked up in surprise.

"How did you know?" Jeevika asked curiously.

"I am Pari. I know everything. Don't stress yourself. Everything will be fine." Nidhi said cheekily, making Jeevika smile.

"I have to take care of the preparations, Nidhi." Jeevika said, trying to stand up but she looked really tired.

"You sit here and relax. I will do it. We are also from Pali of Ratnagiri and our father is the helper at the temple. He conducts prayers at houses there, so we are well versed with all the formalities and preparations." Nidhi said and hurried inside.

"Such a lovely girl, isn't she, Jeevika?" Kalindi, who was watching the whole exchange so far, said with a fond smile.

"Yes, Dadi. Both of them. One is silent and peaceful and the other one is bubbly and naughty. But both of them are very lovely. And beautiful too." Jeevika agreed, watching Nidhi dragging Priya from the kitchen towards the living room to help with the prayer preparations.

After a while, a smiling Nidhi and Priya came towards them.

"Everything is ready. Why don't you start the prayer? Even the priest is here." Nidhi said with a beaming smile.

"Everything is ready, Nidhi. But for whom we organised this prayer, he isn't here yet." Jeevika said sadly.

"For whom are you conducting the prayers?" Nidhi asked curiously.

"For Bubba. For his long life. To reduce his anger issues. And finally for his marriage too." Jeevika said, but got distracted before hearing Nidhi's response as Dadi called her for something.

"Hawww! Marriage for Bubba?" Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a perfect O in surprise.

"Priya di, seems like they are a very regressively thinking family. They believe in child marriages. I have heard of getting betrothed since birth and all. But marriage at such a young age? No wonder Bubba has anger issues." Nidhi sympathised with the above-mentioned Bubba.

"Nidhi, for heaven's sake, please shut up. It's their life, their belief. Let them do whatever they want." Priya pleaded with her sister, making her frown.

Jeevika returned after a moment.

"Jeevika ji, maybe he doesn't want to get married now. That's why he is angry." Nidhi simply couldn't not respond to the atrocity of a child marriage.

"I know, Nidhi. I know it is not right to force anybody to marry either. But you see, Dadi had a minor attack recently and she is worried that she wouldn't be able to see his marriage. That's why I am trying to hurry him." Jeevika said and Nidhi frowned at that.

She felt completely lost. A sick woman is worried that she wouldn't be able to see a child's marriage, so they are forcing the kid to get married.

What a strange family, she thought!

But then an unofficial child marriage is better than letting poor Dadi die out of worry.

"You don't worry, Jeevika ji. I will talk to your Bubba and make him understand." Nidhi, the ever cheerful peace maker and trouble maker rolled into one, decided that it was time for her to intervene.

"What? But why, Nidhi? No, no! Absolutely No. Bubba would be furious and he would scream at you." Jeevika denied immediately. She knows her brother's anger issues and there is no way Nidhi would get scot free if she so much as goes in front of him.

"Oh! You don't know me at all, Jeevika ji. I am Parinidhi Vyas. I am literally a sweet pari. Forget your Bubba, I can win anybody's heart with just a snap of my fingers. Your Bubba is merely a piece of cake." Nidhi said and ran towards the kitchen and placed a few sweets in a small tray and sniffed taking in the sweet aroma.

"Wah! What a sweet aroma. Let me also see how little Bubba will stay angry even after seeing these sweets. That too sweets made by Parinidhi Vyas." She talked to herself as she walked towards the living room.

Jeevika looked on in horror.

"Nidhi, listen to me.." Jeevika called out.

"I will come back soon, Jeevika ji. That too with your Bubba. Just wait and watch, Nidhi's talent.." Nidhi said smugly as she hurriedly climbed the stairs.

The Raichand family was in a  trance watching Nidhi. They didn't understand what just happened. After all, she was a stranger and not even in their wildest dreams did they imagine a stranger coming in and claiming to bring their always angry Sid down with a snap of their fingers.

Jeevika and Kalindi stared in horror, wondering what she was going to do and they couldn't understand why they even let her do that. It was not as if Parinidhi asked for their permission either. She didn't even give them a chance to speak.

"Please forgive us, Jeevika ji. She is always like this. Keeps speaking and acting, but never stops to listen to anybody." Priya apologised, bringing them out of the trance.

"Uh oh! Nidhi took the sweets upstairs?" Jeevika asked in horror.

"Yes, probably to bribe Bubba and bring him down." Priya said thoughtfully.

"But Bubba doesn't like sweets." Jeevika said worriedly.

"A child who doesn't like sweets? How old is your Bubba?" Priya asked, surprising the Raichand family again.

"Bubba is not a child, Priya. Bubba is my younger brother. Sid. Siddharth Singh Raichand. He is twenty nine years old." Jeevika said and Priya looked on in horror.

"Wait a second, Nidhi mistook Bubba as a child and went upstairs. But we were talking about his marriage and all. How come she thought Bubba was a child?" Jeevika asked in confusion.

"Uh! We thought you all were discussing about a child marriage." Priya said awkwardly, mentally seeing all the troubles Nidhi is going to make upstairs.

Nidhi always had a knack for bringing out a weird story out of any circumstance. How did she let Nidhi to make her also believe in all that child marriage nonsense. Not even for a minute did she think otherwise.

"Oh no! Nidhi has taken sweets to Bubba. Today he will definitely-" Jeevika trailed off and Dadi continued.

"Kill her and bury her six feet under!"

"Di!" They heard the sudden yelling from the upstairs, indicating that trouble had already started.


Here goes the next shot lovelies..

In the next chapter, Nidhi and Sid clashes! Stay tuned for the fireworks and sparks!

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Lots of love,

SF ❤️