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Siddharth's pov!

It has been a couple of weeks since that incident. After that, even though I apologised against all odds, Parinidhi stays out of my sight most times.

But I won't let her off so easily. I walked out of my cabin and frowned when I saw her seat empty.

Where the hell is she? Her friend, Swati, is also not there.

So, they must be in the cafe. I gritted my teeth in anger, because I clearly knew who all would be there in the cafe with her.

Akash Menon! He is becoming a thorn in my side. He is always around Parinidhi, looking at her as if she hung the moon and the stars in the sky.

Bloody cheesy fellow.

Why does it bother you? My subconscious mind taunted me and I ignored it as I have always been doing lately.

I don't have answers to any of my questions these days, so I stopped trying to find them.

I walked briskly towards the office cafeteria and my blood boiled seeing Akash taking the glass of water from Parinidhi. It was a half full glass and Parinidhi was holding it and I was sure she was drinking from it.

I don't know what came over me. The next thing I know, the glass had fallen down on the floor, breaking into a million little pieces.

An eerie silence settled upon the cafe and I knew all eyes were on me. But I didn't care.

I hated it when that Akash guy was around her. I have no idea why, but I loathed it. And him drinking from the same glass as Parinidhi.. Something snapped within me.

What the hell is wrong with me..

My blood boiled as I stood in the cafeteria, my eyes locked on them. My heart raced with a mixture of anger and frustration, my mind clouded by irrational jealousy. I couldn't understand why I felt this way, but I couldn't deny the intensity of my emotions.

"Parinidhi Vyas.." My voice boomed across the halls of the cafeteria.

Third person's pov!

Siddharth's voice boomed across the cafeteria, drawing the attention of everyone present. Parinidhi's heart pounded in her chest as she met his accusing gaze, her hands trembling with anxiety.

What did she do now?

"Ms Vyas, the report you submitted today is riddled with errors. Do you have any idea how much damage this could cause to the company?"

Parinidhi's eyes widened in panic. She knew there were mistakes because the work he gave her was too out of her league. She wasn't qualified to do it, but he had given her the job, just to prove that she wasn't capable of doing it, but she hadn't expected him to confront her in front of everyone.

"I will fix it right away. Please give me another chance." Parinidhi stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. She felt embarrassed as she felt all eyes on her.

Some were sympathetic, some were smirking and some had an I don't care attitude.

Siddharth's jaw clenched with frustration, his patience wearing thin.

"Another chance? You have already had enough chances, Ms Vyas. I won't tolerate such incompetence in my team." He scoffed.

Parinidhi felt a surge of defiance rise within her.

"But sir, I did my best. I worked late at night to complete this report. I just made a few mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes." She protested, her voice shaking with emotion.

Siddharth's eyes flashed with anger at her audacity.

"This isn't about making a few mistakes, Ms Vyas. This is about your blatant negligence and incompetence. Do you have any idea how much time of mine you have wasted? My time is money, Ms Vyas." He snapped angrily.

Parinidhi's cheeks burned with embarrassment as Siddharth's words cut through her like a knife. She had worked tirelessly on that report, only to have it torn apart by Siddharth's harsh criticism. That too in front of so many people.

"But sir, I can fix it," she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation. "Please, just give me one more chance."

She had never been so embarrassed in her life before. Nobody has ever insulted her so publicly like this before. It shook her. Her eyes filled with tears.

Siddharth's expression softened slightly at the sight of Parinidhi's distress. He felt as if her tears were scorching him.

"I can't afford to take any more chances with you. You have proven yourself to be unreliable, and I won't tolerate it any longer." He said, his momentary softening going away as he watched Akash moving closer to her seeing her distress.

Parinidhi felt a lump form in her throat as Siddharth's words sank in.

As Siddharth continued to berate her, Parinidhi's eyes filled with tears, her heart heavy with disappointment. She had worked so hard to prove herself, but it seemed that her efforts had been in vain.

Just as Parinidhi thought things couldn't get any worse, the cafeteria doors swung open, and Siddharth's sister Jeevika came in.

"What is going on here?" Jeevika demanded, her eyes flashing with anger as she took in the scene before her. She heard Sid's voice even before reaching the cafe.

Siddharth's jaw tightened, his frustration growing as he realised he would have to explain himself to his sister.

"Ms Vyas here," he began, gesturing towards the trembling girl, "has submitted a report riddled with errors. I am merely holding her accountable for her incompetence."

But Jeevika's eyes narrowed, her gaze sharp as she turned it on her brother.

"And you think humiliating her in front of everyone is the solution?" She shot back, her voice dripping with disdain.

Siddharth's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he realised the gravity of his actions. He had allowed his anger to cloud his judgement, and now he was paying the price.

"But she—" Siddharth started, but Jeevika cut him off with a sharp gesture.

"I don't want to hear it, Siddharth," she said firmly.

Sid's heart clenched hearing his sister calling him by his given name. She calls her that only when she is annoyed with him. He sighed realising he will have to pacify her later on.

"From now on, Parinidhi will work for me. I won't tolerate such behaviour from you anymore, Sid."

Siddharth's heart sank as he realised the implications of his sister's words. He had never expected her to intervene in this manner, and now he was left reeling from the shock.

"But di, I—" Siddharth tried to protest, but Jeevika held up a hand to silence him.

"I have made up my mind, Sid," she said, her tone final. "Nidhi will report to me from now on. Since I am working from home, Nidhi can join me there for work. And if you have a problem with that, then you can deal with it on your own."

With that, Jeevika turned on her heel and marched out of the cafeteria, leaving Siddharth standing there in stunned silence.

He hadn't expected this..

Damn it!


Here goes the next shot..

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PS : In the very beginning, I mentioned this story is kinda inspired from the ITV show 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon..' I began this as a fanfic, later changed it into a general fic. The next few shots would be similar to a scene in the show..

