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Parinidhi's pov!

As soon as we returned home, Bhadra Bua shot us with innumerable questions specifically asking if I created any trouble.

If I tell her I created a huge mayhem there, she would bury me under the house without a single evidence left. So, I pasted a wide smile on my face and looked at her.

"Oh my darling Bhadra, everything was perfect. Completely chill. Why fear when Nidhi is here?" I asked dramatically, throwing my arms around Bhadra Bua's shoulder and giving her a tight squeeze.

"That is my biggest fear, you little troublemaker." Bhadra Bua said, and pushed me gently before walking towards the kitchen and I sighed in relief. But my relief was short lived when I realised my darling sister was scrutinising me.

"Hey Priya darling, what happened to your pretty little eyes? Why have they shrunken like this?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows, earning a wack in return from her.

"Now that Bhadra Bua is out of earshot, tell me the truth. What mayhem did you create there?" Priya di asked sternly and I chuckled nervously.

"Trouble? Me? Little innocent me?" I asked, widening my eyes in mock shock.

"Yes, you. Now stop your dramatics and tell me." Priya di didn't relent with my acting.

"There is no trouble, Priya di. When I realised that Bubba is not a little kid, but a Rakshas.. Er.. I mean a grown man, I apologised profusely for the misunderstanding and the big hearted man that he was, he accepted my apology gracefully." I said, gritting my teeth as an image of Siddharth Singh Raichand formed in my head.

I didn't want to hear another lecture from my sister on what a trouble maker I was and how I should behave, so I refrained from telling her the truth.

I am actually starting to get bored with the same old lecture every day. They know very well that I am not going to change. Then why waste their energy with this useless advice and lectures?

"Really? Then why did he scream when you were upstairs with him?" Priya di asked, raising an eyebrow.

Uh oh! What do I say now?

"Oh that! That was out of surprise.." I said, adopting a shy smile on my face and Priya di narrowed her eyes once again.

"Surprise? Why?" She asked suspiciously.

"An outrageously gorgeous girl was standing in front of him and he couldn't believe it wasn't a dream. So he called his sister to confirm that I was real and not a dream." I said cheekily.

"Nowadays you lie a lot, Nidhi. Don't think that I believed every single word you uttered now." Priya di warned before walking into our room leaving me alone in the living room.

I let out a sigh of relief, but soon it turned into fury as an image of Siddharth Singh Raichand breathing fire at me formed in my head.
And I started pacing the room, cursing the Rakshas.

"How dare he call me a thief? Blo*dy Rakshas! If I ever see him again, I will teach him such a lesson that he will never forget in his life ever." I spoke to myself as I walked into the kitchen and opened the container that had cookies and cupcakes in them.

My stress buster. Whenever I am angry, sad, nervous or happy, I want to eat. And I eat a lot when stressed.

A while later Bhadra Bua came to the kitchen and gasped seeing the almost empty cookie containers.

"Hey Bhagwant! This girl! What am I going to do with you? You finished a whole box of cookies?" Bhadra Bua bellowed and I started biting my nails nervously.