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Siddharth's pov!

As soon as I stepped foot in the Pali Noor Mahal, memories started hitting me hard. All those happy days of our life, until the day Mama was diagnosed with cancer.

Our life turned upside down and nothing was ever the same.

I have been here for two days and have arranged workers for the renovation and made arrangements to protect the expensive things of the mansion. I did everything needed, but it took me two days to find courage to step foot into this place once again.

As I walked through the corridors, I kept a close eye on everything.

So far nothing was missing. Everything seemed to be in place. And I should just check with the curator files, just to be sure.

I climbed the stairs that lead to the tower room, opened the tower room door and stepped in and a flurry of activity followed as the birds lazing around there started flying in different directions in the presence of an intruder.

I looked up to see that the french windows were open.

Memories came crashing down as I looked around.

This was my parents' favourite place in the Noor Mahal. Every morning, they take their coffees and come here to have their alone time. Mama used to love feeding the birds. The french windows were always open, welcoming the birds who needed shelter. And papa loved watching Mama while she pampers the birds here.

Di and I had tried to intrude many times, but Papa had put down his feet and strictly told us the mornings were their alone time and we were not welcome. Any other time, they would happily have us around, but this was one custom that they followed religiously.

Papa always loved Mama more than anything. Even us. And that was why he couldn't live in a world where Mama wasn't there.

I felt my eyes welling up and cursed loudly.

"Damn it!!"

Why? Oh why did I have to bring it upon myself? Why did I come here after all these years?

I could have simply let the matter go and carried on with my life.

My first instinct was to drop the idea of the fashion event being conducted here.

But I will have to do it for my Di.

Di wanted people to remember our home in a new light. Not as the place where Yash Raichand committed suicide.

And I will do anything for my beloved sister.

I clenched my fist as memories assailed through my bones and I cursed that girl who is responsible for bringing it all back.

And her arrogance to challenge me two times..

She had dared me to call the authorities for trespassing into my property. I should have done that and it would have taught her a lesson. But if I do so, it would make it seem as if she is a worthy opponent of mine. Which she is not.

"Parinidhi Vyas. I hope I never see your face again," I muttered to myself as I briskly walked out of the tower room.


Under the soft glow of the streetlights, Parinidhi's approach filled him with both surprise and anticipation. Her eyes held a mixture of hesitation and longing, drawing him in like a magnet. As she closed the distance between them, her whispered words sent a shiver down his spine.

"Pari, what are you..." he began, but she silenced him with a gentle touch of her finger against his lips.

"Shh," she murmured, her voice soft and compelling. "Just... let me."

He found himself unable to resist as she leaned in, her lips brushing against his in a tender, tentative kiss. The sensation was electrifying, igniting a fierce hunger within him that he hadn't anticipated.

In that moment, nothing else mattered except the intoxicating connection they shared. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them suspended in time.

Breaking away, they gazed at each other, both breathless and spellbound by the intensity of their encounter.

"Pari," he breathed, struggling to find the right words to express the tumult of emotions swirling inside him. "I... I never expected..."

"Neither did I," she confessed, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "But I couldn't resist... I had to know..."

And then suddenly, she vanished, shocking him.

"Pari.. Pari..." He called out loudly and then I woke up with a start.

I looked around and realised I was in my private suit in a nearby hotel. I could feel the sweat beads rolling down the sides of my face.

Damn it!

Did I just dream about kissing that thieving fashion disaster?

Damn! Damn! Double damn!

And what did I call her? Pari? Where the hell did that name come from?

Bloody hell!

My heart raced as I struggled to make sense of the vivid dream that had left me breathless and disoriented. The image of Parinidhi's lips against mine lingered in my mind, sending a surge of arousal through me that I hadn't experienced in years.

"Pari," I muttered to myself, the name feeling foreign and yet strangely familiar on my tongue. I couldn't shake the memory of her touch, her scent, the way her eyes had held me captive in my dream.

With a frustrated growl, I ran a hand through my hair, trying to dispel the lingering effects of the dream. I had never felt such intense desire for anyone, let alone someone like Parinidhi. She was supposed to be someone I hate, not the object of my fantasies.

But try as I might, I couldn't deny the undeniable pull she had over me in my dream. It was infuriating, maddening, and yet undeniably exhilarating.

Just as I was attempting to collect my thoughts, the shrill ringtone of my phone shattered the silence of the room. With a curse, I grabbed the device, expecting it to be another call from Mukul or Ansh.

To my surprise, the caller ID displayed the name "Bhavna Chavan," my current mistress.

My pulse quickened as I answered the call, my mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events.

"Bhavna," I greeted her, trying to keep my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions raging inside me.

"Sid, darling," came Bhavna's voice, sweet and sultry as always. "I was just thinking about you. I miss you terribly. I will be back in Mumbai tomorrow.."


Here goes the next shot! Regular morning updates from today..

So, how does the new characters feel?

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