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Parinidhi's pov!

I was walking down the steps of Shiv Parvathi mandir, when she saw Jeevika ji coming towards me. Her face wasn't as pleasant as before.

"Jeevika ji. How are you?" I asked politely. I was very thankful that Jeevika ji hadn't called me to go to their place last week. She had once mentioned wanting help with the engagement preparations. Thankfully she didn't breach that topic again.

Though she likes Jeevika ji very much, she did not want to go to their place often. And she is too polite to tell that to their face.

"Nidhi," Jeevika smiled at her, but Nidhi found that smile very dull.

"Everything alright, Jeevika ji? You look dull." I couldn't help but ask, even though it is none of my business.

"Can we sit somewhere and talk, Nidhi?" Jeevika ji asked.

"Sure, Jeevika ji. Let's sit under the banyan tree.." I said and together we walked towards the banyan tree.

"I am very thankful to have met you here, Nidhi. I badly needed to talk to someone." Jeevika ji said.

"What happened? And are you alone? Nobody accompanied you, Jeevika ji?" I asked, wondering how Siddharth ji managed to send Jeevika ji alone to the temple after what happened that day.

"I am not alone, Nidhi. I have a round the clock nurse appointed to look after me after that incident. And I have an additional bodyguard too now." Jeevika ji said, rolling her eyes.

"That's good. I still shudder remembering finding you on your knees, clutching your belly in pain." I said, slightly shuddering at the memory and Jeevika ji smiled.

"It's all good now. I am perfectly alright. Even the doctors said so. But Sid won't listen to all that.." Jeevika ji said and I simply nodded.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about, Jeevika ji? How is everyone at home? How is Bhavna ji?" I asked.

"Bhavna is in Delhi right now. With her parents. She said she will be back after two weeks." Jeevika said and she proceeded to explain about what happened a week ago.

"It's been a week since Sid declared that he had broken up with Bhavna.. Bhavna had moved out of Raichand house immediately after that. Sid, as usual, didn't bother to give us any explanations. Bhavna was tight lipped too. The only thing Bhavna said was 'This is for the best di. We are not made for each other.' I don't know what to do about all this." Jeevika said sadly.

I stared at Jeevika ji, unable to figure out what I should feel.

"I think it is for the best, Jeevika ji." I said after a few minutes of silence.

Jeevika looked up at me in astonishment.

"Don't mind me saying this, Jeevika ji, but Bhavna ji deserves better." Nidhi said without holding back.

Jeevika ji hung her head low, feeling ashamed of her brother's behaviour.

"He doesn't respect her. Every woman deserves respect." I said something that has been bothering me for a very long time. He doesn't respect any woman other than the women in his family. He doesn't deserve any woman in his life.

"I understand.." Jeevika ji said softly.

"You are also at fault, Jeevika ji." Nidhi said softly.

"Nidhi!!" Jeevika exclaimed in shock.

"I am sorry, Jeevika ji. My intention is not to offend you. But I have to say this. Siddharth ji had made it very clear what he thinks about marriage and love. Still you forced him to accept Bhavna ji. That is not how a marriage should happen. He might agree for your happiness, but what would be the end result? A toxic relationship in which there is neither love nor respect. I know you are worried about his life, but it is his decision to make." I said softly as I remembered what Jeevika ji had once mentioned during my notice period. She had confessed that she had emotionally blackmailed Siddharth ji into accepting Bhavna ji.