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Third person's pov!

A few days passed by smoothly. Siddharth tried every trick up his sleeve to impress Nidhi. It was difficult for him to even look at her after the way she accused him that day. But he realised there is no point in sulking away. If he wants her, he will have to work hard on it.

It was the day before the pooja Bhadra Bua told the girls about. Nidhi submitted an application for leave at the HR department.

"What is this?" Daksha asked, blowing her nails with a bored look on her face.

"Leave application. I want a day off tomorrow." Nidhi said and Tara's ears perked up.

"You will have to get your leave sanctioned by Mr Raichand directly, Ms Vyas." Tara said with a smirk.

Now there will definitely be a blast, Tara thought gleefully.

Nidhi frowned.

"Why? My sister just got her leave approved?" Nidhi asked in confusion.

"We can't have too many people take leave, can we? If you want a leave, get it from Mr Raichand." Tara said with a casual shrug of her shoulders.

Nidhi wanted to stomp her foot in annoyance. Why does this always happen to her?

Now she will have to go to his office. She had tried her best to avoid him over the past few days after what happened that night. The way he had walked out of the hospital room, it had hurt her. She felt guilty for accusing him that way.

Nidhi turned around and walked away. Tara and Daksha gleefully talked about the upcoming blast.


"Sid, the contract for the new deal with the Favian Group is ready. John just mailed them. Please check it out." Mukul said and placed a file in front of Siddharth.

Siddharth went through the documents.

"Mukul, mail John regarding some changes in the clauses. I want him to add a few more points to the contract." Siddharth said and Mukul quickly noted down the new clauses.

"Do it from here. Once it is done, we can discuss the progress of our new line." Siddharth said and gestured to Mukul to take a seat at the couch in the corner of his cabin.

Mukul and Siddharth got on with their work. A little while later, there was a knock on the door.

Sid heard the unmistakable sound of the silver anklets and a smile made its way to his lips.

Mukul watched as Siddharth's hands slowly rose to pat his chest, just over his heart, with a soft smile on his face.

"Nidhi..." Siddharth whispered. Though Mukul couldn't hear him, he was able to lip read.

Nidhi? Was that Nidhi at the door? How did Siddharth guess? He thought to himself and looked towards the cabin door and his eyes widened seeing Nidhi poking her head through the half opened door.

"May I come in, Sir?" Nidhi asked.

"Yes yes," Siddharth said.

'Should I stay? Or should I go out?' Mukul thought for a moment then decided against going out.

If there is going to be a fight, he should be present to diffuse the situation.

"Yes Nidhi?" Siddharth asked, leaning back on his chair and taking his fill of the petite girl clad in a green, red and white anarkali suit.

'My rainbow..' He thought with a chuckle.

"I want a day off tomorrow, Sir. I was asked to get my leave sanctioned by you directly." Nidhi said and forwarded her leave application towards him.