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"My husband fell threw a roof" Miranda ran down to the ER

"But he is okay he is alert and talking" Richard walked with her

"He is okay? Richard, he fell through a roof." She went to the ambulance bay. The ambulance pulled up and Miranda stared at Ben

"You fell through a roof"

"I know" He groaned

"Get him to trauma one" Richard directed

"This is too much. People are threatening my clinic, my kids, and now Ben is falling through roofs" She sighed

"Just breathe Miranda" Richard comforted her. They walked into the hospital and Link was examining Ben.

"Broken wrist and two broken ribs" Link looked at Miranda " He's lucky"

"He fell through a roof" Miranda yelled

"Right, wrong choice of words. I'm going to get the casting material" He nodded and basically ran out of the room

"I lost someone" He sighed

"That's what you're worried about" She put her hands on her hips " You fall through a roof and that's what you're worried about"

"I promised I would go back and save him"

"Okay, well you promised me I'd die first. I'm still alive so keep your promise to me first. Your wife"

"Miranda, you don't understand"

"I understand firefighter Warren, you made a promise to go back and rescue someone. However your safety matters to your team more. Tragically, you lost someone and I am sorry about that Ben but you fell through a roof and then tried to run back inside a collapsing burning building" She shook her head "What were you thinking?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with anger and fear.

Ben winced, both from the pain of his injuries and the sting of Miranda's words. "I had to, Miranda. Someone needed help, and that's what we do."

Miranda's eyes flashed with frustration. "But you could have died, Benjamin. Did you even think about how your actions could've affected our family?"

Ben's jaw clenched as he struggled to sit up, his own frustration bubbling to the surface. "And what about you, Miranda? What about your job at the clinic? Do you think that hasn't put us in danger? You think I haven't worried about you every day?"

Miranda recoiled at the accusation, her anger momentarily overshadowed by guilt. She opened her mouth to respond but found herself at a loss for words.

"Okay, let's relax" Richard put his hand up

They sat in silence for a moment, the tension between them palpable. Miranda stared at Ben. Ben stared at Miranda. Then he sighed " I'm sorry"

"I will see you at home" She walked out

"How are you feeling" Richard asked concerned about Ben. This man fell through a roof and managed to only have a broken wrist and two broken ribs.

Ben sighed heavily, his gaze lingering on the door Miranda had just stormed out of. "Physically, I'll be alright. It's just... everything else."

Richard nodded "Miranda has a big heart. She cares and she worries a lot."

Ben nodded, a conflicted expression crossing his face. "I know she does. I just wish she didn't have to worry so much."

"You both have demanding jobs, Ben. But you're both passionate about what you do. Sometimes, that passion can blind us to the risks we take."

Ben nodded and Richard walked out of the room. Ben got patched up and went to the station to update Ruiz on his condition. He stayed to eat before heading home. He walked in and looked at Miranda. She was in the hallway staring into the kids' rooms.

"Baby" He sighed

"You resent me going back to work"

"I am sorry "He sighed

"Don't be" She shrugged " Speak your heart, Ben"

"Miranda, I am sorry. I shouldn't have said I resented you going back to work. I just was worried that you'd get caught up in the hospital again. It was fine when we had two teenagers. But with a little girl, I just was scared. My daughter was bitten at the hospital. Numerous times"

"And Ben that's my job's fault" She looked at me " You know who you are starting to sound like"

"Don't" Ben shook his head " I am not sounding like him"

"Life was fine until Miranda started acting like a doctor and not a mommy" She sarcastically stated

"That isn't what I was saying" He sighed " I just want this family to be okay"

"I prioritize my family. I quit my job and I chose this family. I went back to work because work needed to be done. And I couldn't sit back and do nothing. But Ben just wants me to sit at home and be a housewife"

"Stop. I love you and I love what you do. Never get that twisted. I didn't marry a housewife. I married a surgeon. But we just had Tuck. Now we have Joey and Pru. We spent 6 months here together bonding and being a family. It was amazing. Now I'm worried about losing that closeness"

"Ben, look" She pointed to the kids

Ben hadn't noticed before but they were all laying on the floor together. Pru's stuffed animal was tucked under her arm and she was lying between Joey and Tuck. It appeared that they fell asleep after building a fort together. The sight made him smile

"I'm glad she has them" Miranda put her hand on Ben's shoulder

"They are great brothers" He nodded " I'm sorry"

"Ben, you don't have to resent me going to work because you are afraid this family won't be close."

"I shouldn't have said those things to you. And I'm sorry for bringing up your job like that earlier. I know you're just trying to help people."

Miranda swallowed the lump in her throat, her own apology catching in her throat. "And I'm sorry too, Ben. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. I know you're just doing what you love."

Ben reached out to take her hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "We're in this together, Miranda. We'll figure it out, just like we always do."

Miranda nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude for the man beside her. "I love you, Ben."

"I love you too," Ben replied, pulling her close into a comforting embrace. "Let's join them"

"Are you sure, what about your ribs? Sleeping on the floor is not very comfortable"

"My family is where I find my comfort" He chuckled and slightly regretted it when pain shot up his side. " I'm going to sleep next to my wife and kids"

She laughed and they grabbed pillows to join the kids. Ben and Miranda settled down beside their sleeping children wrapping them in a warm embrace as they drifted off to sleep, their hearts filled with love and gratitude for the precious family they shared. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together as a family.

Harmony in EmergenciesWhere stories live. Discover now