17 (Final)

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As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Miranda found herself settling into a rhythm that balanced the demands of her work at the clinic with the joys of her home life. It wasn't always easy, but with determination and a supportive family by her side, she discovered a sense of harmony that brought peace to her heart.

At the clinic, Miranda poured her energy and passion into providing compassionate care to her patients. Despite the challenges and obstacles she faced, she found fulfillment in knowing that she was making a difference in the lives of others, advocating for women's health and reproductive rights with unwavering dedication. Seeing the relief of her patients when they knew they had entered a safe space. Or the glow in the student's eyes as they learned from Catherine Fox award-winning Dr. Miranda Bailey. Made it all worthwhile. And eventually, the threats and protests moved on. But security was still posted where needed not wanting to take any chances with safety.

And at home, surrounded by the love of her husband and children, Miranda found solace and joy in the simple moments of everyday life. Whether it was sharing meals together, playing games, or cuddling up on the couch for movie nights, she cherished every moment spent with her family, knowing that these were the moments that mattered most.

"Dr.Bailey" Richard called out to her as she was walking down the hall of the hospital

"Richard" She smiled

"Got time for one more surgery" He asked

"Nope "She quickly responded

"Huh" He was slightly shocked by her answer

"Ask one of the interns" She shrugged " I'm going home to my family. Tonight we're watching this show Tuck has been begging us to watch with him" She laughed

"There she is" Ben and Pru appeared at the end of the hall

"There's my ride" She laughed looking down the hall at them as they approached her

"Richard" Ben shook his hand

"Sir, I will be seeing you tomorrow. My family needs me tonight" She picked Pru up and hugged her tight "Mommy has missed you all day baby girl"

"Dada Ben said we can have sketti for dinner" Pru smiled

"Dada Ben" Richard raised an eyebrow

"Cute right" Ben laughed

"Her grandparents flipped the first time she said it. Wish I could have recorded them" Miranda laughed

"Well, I won't hold you any longer. Enjoy your family" Richard smiled

"And sir you should head home to Catherine" Miranda winked as Ben took her hand and they walked away

" Let me guess, he asked you to do a surgery with him," He asked

"He sure did" She laughed

"And you turned him down" Ben looked at her "Proud of you"

"My son wants to watch a show and my daughter was promised Sketti apparently"

"Whatever my favorite ladies want they get" He laughed. They walked out to the car and Ben opened the door for his wife before fastening Pru into her car seat. Ben drove home and they were surprised yet happy to see Joey's car in their driveway.

"Joey didn't say he'd be home" Miranda voiced her surprise

"Maybe he just really missed us" Ben chuckled.

They walked into the house and Tuck and Joey were in the living room playing the game like old times.

"That's a sight a mother loves to see" Miranda chuckled

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