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Froststar watched in horror as the wolves ran around the Waterclan camp, snapping and snarling at the cats. They had entered and caught the Warriors off guard, making it harder to fight back.

Froststar watched as a dark gray tabby tom died at the claws of a large gray wolf.

"No, Riverheart!" Owlstripe cried, racing over to her mate. There was nothing she could do. Riverheart was dead.

Hissing in rage, Froststar leaped back into the battle. He clawed at a wolf, but another one came over to him and bit at his shoulder. Froststar felt pain shoot through him as another wolf reached him and clawed his flank. He stumbled backward as blood dripped from his body onto the grass.

We can't win this fight, he thought weakly. There are too many wolves!

"Froststar, we need to get help!" Owlstripe hissed. She was at his side, joining him paw for paw as they swiped at the approaching wolves. Sadness glistened in his deputy's green eyes at the death of her mate, but she was fighting with renewed fury.

"I'm so sorry about your mate," Froststar rasped.

"Never mind that now!" Owlstripe insisted, swiping her claws at a wolf's nose. The wolf drew backward with a snarl. "We need more Warriors!"

The wolf ran off, revealing the other wolves behind it. Before Froststar could register what was happening, he saw his daughter, Forestpaw, fighting a wolf by herself.

"Forestpaw!" Froststar cried. He tried to dart forward, but his wounded shoulder gave way and he fell to the ground. He watched as a wolf grabbed Forestpaw by the neck. He heard a crunch split the air, and Forestpaw was dropped to the ground in a pool of her own blood.

She was dead.

"NO!" Froststar screamed, leaping to his paws despite the pain. He tried to get to his daughter's body, but more wolves blocked him.

"Go get help!" Owlstripe cried, leaping onto the wolves. "I'll hold them off!"

Froststar forced himself to run. He ran towards the camp entrance and darted into the forest. Tears stung his eyes and blood poured from his flanks, but he didn't care. All he could think about was his poor daughter, dead at the paws of the wolves.

If we had gotten help earlier, that wouldn't have happened! He thought, sobbing as he ran. The wolves caught us off guard, there was nothing we could do...

Froststar ran until he saw the entrance to Snowclan looming ahead of him.

They can help us, he thought, pain and sadness coursing through him. No one else has to die, and Riverheart and Forestpaw won't have died in vain.

We can get rid of the wolves once and for all.

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