Chapter Five

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Lightfrost gasped as Flightbreeze called Burn her sister.

"Flightbreeze..." Lightfrost meowed, coming to stand next to her mother in the Snowclan camp and staring at her with wide brown eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"Flightbreeze?" Burn laughed. "Don't tell me you took on a Clan cat's name?"

"It's a Warrior's name," Flightbreeze said, drawing herself up proudly. "And you should talk, Burn! You parade around with Bloodclan, pretending to be a Clan yourself when you're just a group of rogues!"

"I'm the Leader of Bloodclan now actually," Burn said smugly. "After Scourge died, we were scattered. I patched the Clan together, found new and old members, and brought them here for a better life."

"Bloodclan should have died after the battle against the Clans!" Flightbreeze said, swishing her tail angrily. "The other Clans. Don't come bringing war to these Clans too!"

"Ah, but you fought on our side, remember?" Burn said. "Don't act so self-righteous, Flight. And after we were defeated, you ran away like the coward you are."

"That's not true!" Flightbreeze cried. "Yes, I ran away, but it was in the middle of the battle. I realized what we were doing was wrong, and I couldn't be a part of it anymore!"

"So you left me, your only sister, to pick up the scraps?" Burn spat, "you left me to die!"

What the heck is going on!? Lightfrost thought, horrified at what was happening. Had Flightbreeze really left her own sister? I would never leave Brightpaw, she thought, if she were still alive...

Marshstar clearly had the same thought. "Flightbreeze, what's going on?" Marshstar demanded, gazing at her friend in horror. "You were a member of this... this... gang?"

"Yes," Flightbreeze said, hanging her head. "I used to be a member of Bloodclan before I left. I traveled here and became a rogue. Then I joined Snowclan, but it seems they have followed me here."

"We found you at last," the sandy-colored tom chimed in. "Traitor!"

"That's enough!" Marshstar demanded, standing protectively in front of Flightbreeze. "Flightbreeze is a loyal Snowclan Warrior," the Leader hissed, "I don't care who she was in the past, as long as she stands by me now."

"Of course I will, Marshstar!" Flightbreeze exclaimed, bowing her head.

"You're pathetic," Burn snarled, looking at Flightbreeze and Marshstar. "You all are, and Bloodclan will take your territory. We will be back." Burn waved her tail, and at once her Clan turned and followed her out of the camp.

"Should we follow her?" Cowfur hissed, standing by his Leader's side.

"No," Marshstar meowed, narrowing her eyes. "Let them go... they'll be back, I assume. At least we'll have time to prepare."

"First the wolves, and now this!" Windyclaw, a gray she-cat, cried. "How much more can Snowclan take?"

"We will fight off Bloodclan," Marshstar said. "Just not today." She turned back to Cowfur, Briarclaw, and Stormsplash. "Go get patched up, your wounds look nasty," she said. "Briarclaw, you'll have to heal them and then yourself, I'm afraid, but let me know if you need help."

"Thank you, Marshstar," Briarclaw dipped his head, looked quickly at Flightbreeze, then led Cowfur and Stormsplash over to the medicine den.

Lightfrost blinked up at Flightbreeze, seeing her mother in a new light. "Was all that true?" She whispered.

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