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Thank you all so much for reading this far! We are now halfway through the series! So as an intermission, here's some information about the series as a whole, how it started, and my plans moving forward!

My goal is to write THREE MORE books in this series. The next one will be called "Flame", then "Dark", and the last book WAS going to be called "Star", but guess what? That's the name of the last book in "A Starless Clan" (coming out this year)! XD So I'm going to rename it to "Light". Does it have more than one meaning now? You decide!

Speaking of "A Starless Clan", I just read all of "Wind" in one day and it was SO GOOD! It gave me the motivation to finally finish this book!

Anyway, I made up this story ten years ago when I first got into Warriors. It has been heavily changed from the original version, so I thought it would be fun to compare some things here:

Marshstar was originally named Moorstar

Darkstorm was originally named Blackstorm

Stormsplash originally had a sister, Darkwillow, but I cut her out because there were too many characters!

Stormsplash originally had a crush on Weatherfall! And he liked her too at one point. I cut this out because it was stupid.

Briarclaw's mother, Flightbreeze, originally died from the sickness that killed Firenose! I thought this was simply too much for poor Briarclaw so I let his mother live, which was a great choice in the long run so she could deal with Bloodclan.

Speaking of Bloodclan and family connections, Sand originally killed Burn, AND he was originally Sourlight's brother (Sourlight is Sauseyheart's mate and Flightbreeze's friends). I cut this out because I realized there were too many family plot twists already...

Oh yeah, and Lightfrost was supposed to die after the battle with Bloodclan! She was also supposed to already have kits at this point in the story, which was... problematic to say the least. I'm glad I kept her around, too, because she still has an important part to play...

Oh yeah, and Cloverfern's new kits were originally ROCKFLIGHT'S! That's right, in the original draft, Rockflight had a litter of kits before she died! I changed this because it didn't fit with her character. Also, her mate was Spiketail, Darkstorm's brother. I cut him out because she didn't need a mate, lol.

Also in the original story, no one found out Weatherfall was in Waterclan. I changed this because it made NO SENSE why Froststar would keep his secret... Weatherfall also changed his name to "Snowshadow" to keep his identity in the original story.

There are some other extreme changes I'm going to make, but I'll talk about them after I finish the last book! I can't wait to rewrite the rest, but it'll take a while before I do because I'm graduating college in a month!

Thank you thank you to everyone who read this far! It means so much that my silly story is being shared after all this time. I hope you all will continue reading once I write more later on!

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