Chapter Ten

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Weatherfall woke up in a dream world, the stars dancing around him.

In front of him was a silver she-cat, her fur splattered with stars.

"Rockflight," Weatherfall whispered.

"Hello, brother," Rockflight hissed.

"Oh Rockflight, I'm so sorry!" Weatherfall gasped. He took a step forward, but hesitated. He remembered the last time he had taken a step towards Rockflight, she had fallen to her death.

"I don't forgive you," Rockflight said, narrowing her icy green eyes. "But it's up to you what you do about it."

"What do you mean?" Weathefall asked. His voice caught in his throat and he found he couldn't look his sister in the eyes.

"You need to tell the Clans the truth," Rockflight insisted. "I cannot tell them from Starclan, as much as I want to. It has to be you. You have to accept your punishment for killing me."

"It was an accident!" Weatherfall protested, his head flying up again.

"Are you so sure?" Rockflight challenged. "Or are you trying to convince yourself?"
Weatherfall fell silent. After all these moons, he still didn't know the truth himself. After replaying the moment over and over again in his mind, he still wondered if he had known that Rockflight would die, if he had actually wanted her dead...

Now, it all felt so wrong. He had been a dumb apprentice, a jealous kit, and it had cost his sister her life.

Before Weatherfall could think of what to say, Rockflight spoke again.

"A Darkness is coming," she said. "And it will destroy all the Clans."

"So was Cloudyfang telling the truth?" Weatherfall gasped. "If I kill a cat from each Clan, will it really give me the power to defeat this Darkness?" It sounded so stupid saying it out loud.

"Cloudyfang's methods are true," Rockflight replied slowly, thinking about her words. "But it is an ancient magic that hasn't been used for many, many moons. Weatherfall, the choice is yours, but if you go down that path... you might be swallowed by the Darkness too."

"I don't want to kill anyone else!" Weatherfall cried, pleading with his sister as well as with himself. "But if it really comes down to it, if the Clans are in trouble, shouldn't I do what has to be done? If I really can get a power strong enough to save the Clans... wouldn't killing a few cats to save all of them be justified?"

Rockflight was silent for a moment.

"You still have a choice," she said eventually. "Everyone has a choice. There's more than one way to do things. And whether that choice is just, is right, is for the greater good... you have to figure that out yourself."

And with that, Rockflight faded away.

"Come back!" Weatherfall cried.

"You called?"

Weatherfall whipped around.

Cloudyfang was standing in front of him again. Seeing the fluffy gray tom felt like deja vu.

"Have you decided to help me?" Cloudyfang pressed.

"I just want to know more," Weatherfall replied, trying to play it cool. "I know something is coming, whether it's this Darkness you claim or something else. First it was the Wolves, then Bloodclan... if threats keep coming, one day the Clans won't be powerful enough to stop them."

"Exactly," Cloudyfang said. "You have every right not to trust me, Weatherfall. I know my methods aren't conventional, but you just said it yourself... the Clans are built off of violence. You're Warriors, aren't you? You fight. You kill. You save lives. Isn't that the way of your Code?"

"Yes," Weatherfall said. He knew there was something about Cloudyfang that didn't make sense, maybe some other motive... He knew that he was using him, but Weatherfall decided that he would play along.

"So tell me," Weatherfall said evenly. "How exactly can I save the Clans?"

Cloudyfang grinned, his smile eerily bright in the darkness.

"I'm so glad you asked," he sneered. "We have work to do."

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