Chapter Eight

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Briarclaw had left Waterclan the night before and had returned to Snowclan. Thankfully, Bloodclan hadn't followed. He barely got any sleep, and woke up early the next morning and told Marshstar everything.

"So I see," Marshstar said, narrowing her blue eyes.

"Are you mad?" Briarclaw asked timidly.

"No," Marshstar said at once. "I'm just glad you weren't hurt, Briarclaw. Bloodclan could have killed you, or followed you to Waterclan." She let out a long sigh. "I am glad they agreed to help. As much as I wanted to fight off Bloodclan, I was worried about our numbers. The truth is, we can't do it alone."

"Are you okay with it being, well, Waterclan?" Briarclaw asked. "I know there's been tension between Snowclan and them for a few moons..."

"It's fine," Marshstar said briskly. "I only hope this fight will bring us closer together, not tear us apart... in more ways than one."

Cowfur, the deputy, thrust his head into the den. "Um, Waterclan is here," he said, looking confused and concerned.

"Right on time," Marshstar meowed. She nodded to Briarclaw, and together they exited the den.

The Waterclan cats were waiting in the center of the camp. Froststar had brought most of his Warriors.

"Froststar," Marshstar said, standing in front of him and dipping her head.

"Hello, Marshstar," Froststar said. "I know last time we met there was a small fight, but I hope we can put that aside as we fight together today. Bloodclan, as it's called, will be a threat to all the Clans if we don't deal with them now."

"My thoughts exactly," Marshstar agreed, and the tension faded. She smiled at Froststar. "Snowclan thanks you for your help."

"I haven't forgotten when Snowclan helped us fight off the Wolves," Froststar replied. "It's the least we can do to return the favor."

Briarclaw walked over to Weatherfall. "Hi," he said.

"Hi," Weatherfall smiled. After what they had been through the day before, they were on better terms. Briarclaw knew it would take time to heal his relationship with his old friend, but he was glad that they were speaking again. He had missed him more than he had realized.

"Where's Vinepaw?" Briarclaw asked. He had taken a liking to the little apprentice.

"She's back at camp with some of the other Warriors," Weatherfall replied. "The fight will be too dangerous for her."

"That's a good call," Briarclaw agreed, feeling sick as he remembered that Brightpaw, his sister, had died as an apprentice in the battle with the Wolves.

She shouldn't have died, he thought for the hundredth time. It was unfair, a cruel death, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

"I hope no one dies today," Briarclaw continued.

"They won't," Weatherfall agreed. "We'll fight well, and if anyone gets hurt, you can heal them. I bet you're a great medicine cat now!"

"Thanks," Briarclaw mumbled, a bit embarrassed.

Weatherfall started looking around his old home. He blinked when he saw his parents. Cloverfern was sitting outside the nursery with her three new kits, who had just been born a few days before. Silkfeather stood protectively beside her, narrowing his eyes at their son.

"I'm glad to see you're doing well," Weatherfall meowed, staring at his parents. "What are the kits' names?"

Cloverfern turned away, hissing, and ushered her new kits into the nursery.

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