Confused but comfortable

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' I don't want to make love. I want to rub my soul up against yours and watch love make us.' Michelle Schaper

There wasn't much conversation on the drive back home. Just tentative glances from Rey and awkward  fidgeting in the passenger seat by Ben.

What was she supposed to say to him? Welcome home? We all missed you so much? Those words died on her tongue before they passed to her lips.

The man sitting next to her in her beat up Dodge pickup truck was the last person she wanted to invite into her home. But she knew regretfully that she could use a man about the place.

      She chanced another side long glance at him and tried to hide her growing interest.  She  couldn't help a small smile  that crept across her lips just the same.

          He looked ridiculous but maddeningly sexy.

  His tuxedo was ruined, and he certainly couldn't go home wearing it. So a social worker, sympathetic  to his plight, had dug through a box of donated clothing and found a tee shirt and sweat pants for him . Unfortunately, the sweats were too short and the tee shirt  too tight.  It pulled cross his broad chest, his nipples peaking out tantalizingly, and the sleeves fit snugly around his biceps. 

   Now Rey was fighting the urge to rip the shirt off and have a good look at what lay underneath.  All  Alpha muscles and Alpha strength. 

She felt her Omega struggle with this unsettling  new development. It was telling her things she didn't want to hear right now.
Things like.... 'Don't you want to do his bidding? Make him happy?   He can make you feel good. You haven't felt a Alpha's touch in a very long time.  It's been an eternity since you've had a man in your bed .'

      Not this guy . Never !  She just needed to stick to her plan and  make him her slave.

Maz was right . He could be useful, practically speaking. There was jobs that Darth could do like mow the lawn and do the dishes but some he was too young to tackle.
And this guy was big enough and strong looking enough to do some hard physical labor.

Ben couldn't believe what he saw when they arrived at the house. Weeds grew everywhere and toys and junk littered the ground.

Did he really live here? This place was a disaster zone. He couldn't wait to see what was waiting for him inside.  Probably a typhoon had hit inside , he guessed

They walked into the house and Ben looked around. The living room was spares of furniture. Just a small t.v. A lumpy couch and a bookcase with odd nicknacks and children's toys. There was a fireplace that looked like it hadn't had a fire it it in ages. Just cold ash and grime. 
The view of the kitchen wasn't much either, a table and chairs , thin curtains at the window , and an antique looking fridge.

        A delicious scent was coming from the oven and his stomach growled. He hadn't had a good meal in ages. He was so sick of hospital food. What ever was cooking he'd eat every bite.

  "Um, I know it doesn't look like much but we just moved here a few months ago so a lot of our stuff got lost."  Rey looked around the shabby room , trying to hide her embarrassment.  Should it matter to her what the room looked like as long as there was a roof over her children's heads?
To him it looked as if they couldn't afford anything nice or new.

        "So," Rey continued, " I guess you don't remember anything. But we have three kids . Darth who's eleven,  Anikin who's eight and  Padme' who's eighteen months '. Oh, and your mother lives with us."   Rey smiled fondly. The first real smile Ben had seen on her face.  This Maz lady must be something special.

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyWhere stories live. Discover now