Puppet on a string

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Go deeper, much deeper. Reach for the universe inside my core .Words by Jen

He was glad the numbing sensation had begun to take over. Now was not the time for tears. Show zero emotion to the enemy.

He willed himself not to care. Not to think on anything but what was before him. His previous life that was waiting for him when they reached their final destination.

Now was not the time to show his sensitive side and have a break down right here in the limo with Bazine and Hux staring at him like he was a stinky cast off shoe they retrieved from the bottom of a trash can . He was something they desperately needed even if they were repulsed by the very sight of him.

Bazine was the first to let her word vomit spill out. He flinched at the sound of her siren song. She was luring him in to his death with her sweet and sickening voice.

"Kylo , darling, how did you ever endure living like that for so long?" She waved her hands in the air, her many rings flashed and sparkled with emphasis. " I hope that little waitress whore didn't wear you out. I'm looking forward to tonight." She licked her lips greedily when she raked him with her eyes.

Ben literally recoiled as she suggestively ran her long painted nails up and down his chest . And if Hux hadn't been in the limo with them , he would have had no problem strangling Baz for her calling Rey a whore. He would have relished the sound of her choking and gurgling, while her eyes bulged and face turned purple.

Maybe hold that thought for later.

Ben sat in restrained silence, his hands balled in tight fists at his side.

He never craved her touch like he craved Rey's. That thought came from the depths of his wounded Alpha and caused him unbelievable pain. Never again would he see her, touch her , make love to her. He had left her standing there in shock and disbelief. The feeling was very mutual.

This was all to soon. He had barely time to accept this change in his life. He knew Bazine was his wife but it would take time and a strong stomach to sleep in the same bed with her again.

Now the lumpy couch at Rey's was more inviting then spending just one night in the company of this she -devil.

The other man in the limo shifted uncomfortably in his seat. What was Baz playing at ? Make him jealous so he'd pick another fight with Kylo and send him back to the briny deep?
Maybe not such a bad idea. Just one more score, then the money could easily be transferred to his bank then they could live happily ever after with Kylo at the bottom of the sea.

Baz felt the need to fill Kylo on the most important duties he was expected to perform.

" We need to get you back on track. Mr. Snoke has been worried sick about your whereabouts. He has a job for you to do and your the only one with the necessary skills to do it." She said this as if she were giving him a compliment. He should be proud he was Snoke's right hand man.

"He won't release any more funds into our account until the deed is done. He's waiting at the yacht to fill you in on your new mission." Hux added as an afterthought.

'Our account'? What.... did they share a bank account along with sharing a woman?

"What are you talking about?" Kylo finally spoke, his throat felt dry and scratchy with disgust.

"What kind of mission?" He pictured wearing a black suit and tie with his name on a badge. The badge saying his name and the logo ' Hit man for hire. We kill'em you Grill'em .' Would he have to hand out pamphlets on ' The best way to murder your neighbor and get away with it.' Or....'Ready, Aim, Fire ...How to bump off your enemies in three easy steps' ?

Hux sneered at Kylos ignorance. "Don't you remember what you did for Snoke? You were the best in the business."
He snorted then said mockingly, " Fuck, you really have gone soft! To much macaroni and cheese and Sesame Street huh daddy."

"I almost took a shit right there when I stepped out of the limo and saw my ex-girlfriend and mom standing there looking like they'd just seen Frankenstein!"
Hux and Bazine laughed hysterically at his joke.

Kylo just looked at him stone faced, but imagined his face resembling a plate of lasagna after he got what he deserved.

They arrived at the yacht and Ben looked up at the large ship. It was massive. He couldn't help thinking of the contrast to how humbly Rey lived.
She had no servants to wait on her hand and foot, no fancy meals to eat when ever she had the slightest craving, and no diamonds or furs to show off her wealth.

Even if she did have all the riches and prosperity she could ever imagine she would not have spent it all on herself. She would have showered her children and others with love instead.

He walked up the gang plank with trepidation. He was not exactly happy about seeing Snoke again. He remembered exactly what he did for him. This wealth and luxury came from killing his enemies. And Snoke had a lot of them.

How did he feel about this before? Was he alright with Snoke pointing a skeletal finger at someone and saying "Kill!" and he would just do it? Point the gun and fire at someone?

As long as he didn't know who he was bumping off and that Bazine was happy shopping at her favorite boutique's with all the millions he'd bring in he was okay with it.

Hux and Bazine had disappeared somewhere as soon as they walked on board, leaving Ben to find his boss alone.

It wasn't to hard. All he had to do was follow the stench that hung in the air. It led him to the lounge area where he recognized it as the place of his birthday party.

The memories of the party swirled in his mind but he didn't have time to dwell on the pain it caused before a emaciated figure rose from a high back chair.

Before him stood a ghostly phantom of a man who looked like he had come back from the dead. A walking Zombie like corpse.

His face was gaunt and haggard as if he never knew what it felt like to have laughed or to have a reason to smile.

A lifetime of depravity and wickedness twisted whatever goodness he was born with and flushed it down the toilet.

The grimace that was on his face at this moment caused Ben's stomach to churn with anxiety. What was this evil man going to ask him to do? Ben was just a puppet  and Snoke  was pulling the strings.

He was about to find out how tight the string was .

"Kylo, my dear apprentice. Like the prodigals son, you have returned. Good... good." He took a step forward, licking his lips, revealing yellowing teeth.

Snoke tried to put his arthritic hand on Ben's shoulder but Ben retreated a few steps to keep the distance between him and the revolting  humanoid .

He had in his other hand a long black case. "It's time for you to right back into the swing of things. There is a job I need you do. There is a employee of mine that needs to be eliminated. He is a traitor. He revealed too much information to the media. I gave him more than one chance to save himself and come back to our side but he has thwarted me for the last time."

Snoke opened the case to reveal what lay inside. A long range Barrett M82 Semi automatic rifle.

"You know what to do . Now ...go and prove your allegiance to me. I only ask for your loyalty and obedience. You will be greatly rewarded for your good aim in taking down my enemy."

Ben picked up the gun and nodded his head in acquiescence.

No way could he say 'No' . He could not protest this job. He didn't like it, but what choice did he have? He couldn't show Snoke any reluctance, any hesitation.

He got the information to where the victim would be found then turned and left Snoke. His wicked laughter echoing in his ears.

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyWhere stories live. Discover now