Cinder Solo

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                                            ' I'll never forget the day you chose to walk through the door of my soul.
                                                   And wrapped my delicate pieces within the strength of yours.
                                                          Our closeness was instant , a bond so sure'.  Words by Jen

The scent of freshly brewed coffee woke Ben from a restless slumber.

   Trying to sleep... the operative word being 'Trying' ... on a lumpy  thin couch  was almost impossible. 

     Ben's limbs hung over the sides of the thin stick of furniture and it groaned when he attempted to roll over. Then he groaned. There was a lot of unpleasant groaning between couch and man. 

Maz had kindly given him a pillow, blanket and a red ,green and orange afghan.  " Made it myself." She told him proudly last night. She grinned as she bade him 'good night' and turned out the lights.

   He has taken the offered bedding and had to make due with the damnable couch from Hell.  His toes and fingers kept getting stuck in the afghans many holes and he awoke in the middle of the night with an extremely painful cramp in his neck.

Why was he not be sleeping with Rey ? She said he was her husband.  Didn't husbands share their wife's beds or is he now living in an alternate universe where all men were doomed to sleep on god awful couches because they had amnesia?

    He would demand an explanation in the morning.  His Alpha should be shown the respect it deserves.

    But when he pulled himself upright, his joints protesting , then stumbling into the kitchen, he only found Maz standing at the kitchen counter frying up bacon and eggs.  The boys were eating quickly, so they wouldn't miss the school bus.

    "Where's the coffee mugs?"  He slurred sleepily.  He yawned and took the cup Maz handed him. 

   "Careful now. Don't spill."  Maz did sound like a mother. "Did you sleep well last night?" She questioned with a twinkle in her eye as if  she already knew the answer.

   "I don't think what I did was be considered sleeping." Ben grumbled.  "Why would she slam the door in my face? I don't think she's mad at me ." He looked mildly concerned. "Is she?"

     He looked across from where he was sitting at the kitchen table. His mother was eye to eye with him. "Why don't you ask her yourself when she comes home."

"Where is she?"

Darth spoke up. "Duh, dad . She's at work. Someone has to keep us in the lap of luxury."

    "Hurry , boys bus will be here any minute now."  Maz ordered .

"Ben can you help me with the boys lunches? Just anything you can throw into their lunch bags ."

   Ben had never cooked a thing beyond top Raman in his life so he plundered the pantry for what ever he saw first.

"Ah ,dad. What are you doing?" Anikin grimaced when he saw what kind of sandwich his father was making. " I'm gonna hurl if I have to eat a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich."

     Maz rescues Anikins sandwich. Thank god for small miracles.

The boys ran to the bus when they heard the honking and Ben was left in the kitchen with the baby and Maz.  He looked around in a blank stupor. What was he going to do now?

      "Here ya go Son."  Maz handed him the long 'Honey Do' list that Rey thrust at him last night. Shit , he had forgotten the list of jobs she needed done around the house and out side.

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