The truth comes out

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                                             'I'll never forget the day you chose to walk through the door to my soul ,
                                                  and wrapped my delicate pieces within the strength of yours.
                                                     Our closeness was instant . A bond so sure.'   Words by Jen

      She knew the worst was coming.

   Rey closed her eyes as she saw  the approaching traffic cop.  Maybe if she didn't see him, he would just go away.

     But no.  She knew that this wasn't going to end well. Somehow he knew what she had done .  The horrible, unforgivable crime she had committed.
Justice had come for her and she was going to get arrested for sure.  Then she'd be thrown in jail and left to rot for a thousand years.

But she'd be damned if they even looked  crossed eyed at Maz.  She was innocent of any wrong doing . It was all Rey's fault.

      The shadow of the police man fell on her and she reluctantly opened her eyes.   Rolling down the car window was one of the most difficult tasks she had ever done.  Rey took a deep breath and readied herself for the inevitable.

   "Your license and registration , if you please Ma'm'."

     Ben was quietly sitting in the passenger side and opened the glove box and rifled through it until he pulled out the  correct document.

     Something else fell out and landed on his lap. It was heavy and in an envelope. While Rey was preoccupied with the policeman, he opened the envelope and out fell a man's wrist watch.

      Ben turned it over in his hands. It was of fine craftsmanship and expensive looking. On closer inspection, the back had letters etched in the metal...K.R.

Could they be someone's initials ?

         Where had this come from and why was it hidden in the truck he wondered.

   "Um, Rey , where did this come from?" He asked perplexed. It took a moment for Rey to give him her full attention. The cop was explaining to her that he had seen her turn left without signaling.

When the cop walked away she turned to look at what Ben was holding, and felt her world collapse.

She had totally forgotten about the watch. This was happening way too soon. Seeing the watch again had taken her off guard and she was not prepared to give him an explanation.

      Suddenly, her fear of being hauled off to jail was eclipsed by mind numbing panic. 
How could she have forgotten to remove the evidence of his true life?  What could she possibly say now? She felt like a tiny cornered rabbit waiting for the hungry wolf to slash and rip and devour.

"I didn't steal it if that's what your thinking." She said defensively. If she had stolen such an expensive object and tried to sell it at a pawn shop she could have made a great deal of money. Money they desperately needed . But she didn't.

"Then where did it come from?" Ben's own anger was rising to meet hers. The mood was changing fast in the truck and Maz wisely slipped out of the back to let Rey handle this argument on her own.
"I'm going  to go check on the boys." Maz grumbled.

Rey hadn't imagined having this conversation here in the truck. But it had come all to soon.
She braced herself for his reaction to her confession.

"Rey, where did this expensive watch come from?" He repeated his question.

Her voice trembled, her hands shook and she felt her face burn with mortification. Just say it and get it over with. Her mouth went dry and she had to force the horrible words out.

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyWhere stories live. Discover now