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This chapter is extremely brutal, and for that reason I am writing it so that if it makes you uncomfortable this chapter is completely skippable.

TW: Nonconsensual BDSM, drugging, torture, abuse, rape

Angel Dust got to the door of the recording room of the studio. He took a deep breath, trying desperately to give himself even just a momentary reprieve before the torture that he knew was coming. He opened the door as quietly as possible and closed it softly, rushing off to his dressing room as fast as possible. As soon as he opened the door to the dressing room he was met with a slap to the face. His eyes widened in horror. Of course, Valentino was waiting for him.


"I don't want to hear it. I give you everything! I made you, and this is how you repay me?!" Valentino advanced toward Angel Dust, who cowered backwards until his back collided with the door.

"I'm sorry, Val! I wasn't thinking... I-I was drunk-"

"Oh, baby. Amorcito. How do you think you're going to make it up to me?" Valentino asked with a malicious smile as he mockingly caressed Angel Dust's cheek. It took every ounce of Angel Dust's willpower to not flinch away. It would only make things worse.

"I'll do whateva you want, Mistah Valentino," Angel Dust nearly cringed at how horrifically obvious his facade was in the face of his terror.

"24 hours," Valentino said coldly. He didn't have to elaborate for Angel Dust to understand. He wasn't sure he would be able to make it physically, it had already been over 24 hours since he had last slept.

"Yes, Val."

Valentino's smirk somehow looked even more evil as he said, "Waterboarding will sound like kindness by the end of the shoot." Angel Dust felt like he was going to be sick and he really wished that, morals be damned, he had taken some drugs before coming into work to numb the pain of the day.

No, he couldn't afford to think like that.

Unexpectedly, Angel Dust's head was slammed against the door, "I need a response, amorcito. "

"I- I..." Angel Dust knew what Valentino wanted him to say, but the words were caught in his throat; he felt like he was going to be sick, "Th-Thank you for your kindness, Val."

Valentino sifted his fingers through Angel Dust's hair in mock kindness before pulling on it harshly and yanking Angel Dust into a violent kiss. When they broke apart Valentino leaned in close to Angel Dust's ear and whispered, "If you know what's best for that kitty you seem far too fond of, you'll be on your best behavior on set. If you seriously believe I can't hurt your friend you are sorely mistaken," Angel Dust didn't get a chance to respond or process the fear that coursed through his veins at the threat as Valentino aggressively grabbed his upper arm and practically dragged him out of his dressing room.

As they made it back to the set, Angel being tossed onto the floor, Valentino said, "Knifeplay. Don't take it easy on Angel Dust. Make it hurt."

"Val-" Angel Dust said weakly, he wasn't sure himself if it was a plea or a protest.

"You heard me, get to your fucking position," Valentino demanded.

The others on set were noticeably uneasy with the directions they were given. It wouldn't be the first time knives were present on set, but it was almost always just a show of power, a barely noticeable pressure on Angel Dust's throat. More and more it seemed like Valentino was asking them to torture Angel rather than film a porn. Just yesterday they were asked to waterboard the poor sinner. Many of the demons on set looked at Angel Dust with pity.

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