Don't Forget Me

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Anthony looked at the text lying on his screen and felt like his heart practically stopped. This couldn't be happening.

How the hell did Val get a phone into his room? Unless... It had to be Vox.

His heart was practically beating out of his chest at the realization that Vox had been in the hotel and they had been none-the-wiser.

If Valentino had gone through the effort of getting him a new phone and having it snuck in though... Maybe he should hear what he had to say, what if it was important?

Even as all of Anthony's instincts screamed at him not to, he began to type.

Anthony 10:06 PM

What do u want

Unknown number 10:06 PM

I think u know perfectly well what I want, but u weren't hearing me before so i have a new... Incentive for u

Anthony swallowed thickly, he really did not like the sound of that at all.

Anthony 10:07 PM


There was only a minute between the texts, but it felt like a century as Anthony, on the brink of a panic attack, waited for a response. When it finally popped up it was more formal than his other messages. He had never seen Val type like that, and the sincerity implied by that made a shiver run down Anthony's spine as he read:

Unknown number 10:08 PM

My original deal still stands. Come back to the tower by the end of the week and no harm will come to you. Everything will go back to the way it was. If you're still not back by extermination day... that precious "Husk" you seem to adore so deeply will pay the price with his life.

Shortly after that message, an image was sent. His hand went to his mouth in shock and horror as he saw an image of Husk soundly asleep while Vox was standing, smiling, behind him. He was too horror stricken to even react. He should be making sure Husk was okay, but instead he was sitting here like a fool.

Unknown number 10:10 PM

do i make myself clear?

Anthony 10:10 PM

Yes, Val

It made him sick how quickly he responded. How instinctively submissive he became within an instant when Val's rage was made apparent.

As the severity of Valentino's threat began to settle, Anthony began to cry, his breathing becoming a struggle. He was so fucked. He was an idiot to think he could get close to someone without consequences. Now Husk was going to get hurt and it was all his fault.

Choked sobs escaped him, and Fat Nuggets curled up at his side, but for once it felt like it did nothing to help.

I should just go back...

The thought was poisonous, but once it entered his mind it continued to echo on loop over and over again in his mind. Nobody would have to get hurt. Everything would just go back to how it was... It would be a terrible existence, but Husk would be alive. That was all that mattered.

No, he shouldn't think like that. Even if he wanted to leave, he had to at least say his goodbyes first.

The next time he goes back, he's not entirely sure Valentino will ever let him leave again.

Just as he was about to put his phone away, another text popped up.

Unknown number 10:15 PM

Aren't u going to apologize for yesterday

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