We Will Find a Way

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Husk was having a difficult day to say the least. Not only did he and Angel Dust get into an argument, but Vaggie and Charlie came crashing through a portal from heaven looking completely disillusioned. Before he could even tell them that he was concerned for Angel Dust, Charlie ran up the stairs crying, and Vaggie who was usually always by her side, for once did not follow after her.

"What the fuck happened?" Husk asked, bewildered by their behavior.

Vaggie turned around seemingly only just noticing Husk was there, "It... didn't go well... And... Heaven revealed that I'm... I was... an exorcist," Vaggie said, her voice jumping up an octave as she confessed.

Husk dropped the glass he was holding and it shattered, "Holy shit."

Vaggie ran off before he could learn anything more about what happened. He sat behind the bar feeling incredibly alone. Not even Nifty had come around. Husk checked the time. Angel Dust still wasn't back... It had been 13 hours. He let himself rest his head to take a nap. He would wake up when Angel Dust opened the door. He always did.

And Angel Dust would be back.

He had to.

He woke up feeling well-rested and that just couldn't be right because surely Angel Dust should have returned hours before he would have woken up naturally. Angel Dust had been gone an entire day...

He'll be back...

Maybe he just went to hang out with Cherri Bomb?

He will be back soon.


Husk looked at the clock. It was 1 AM the next morning.

Husk couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't stand knowing that Angel Dust was going through hell because he couldn't stop him from leaving.

41 hours.

Husk had enough of this brooding. He got up with the intent of going to the studio to free Angel himself if that fucking pimp was too evil to even let Angel Dust go home after an inhumanly long shift. He threw the door open in a fit of rage, uncaring that it slammed into the wall.

All of his rage died instantly as he saw the spider demon he was looking for passed out on the ground in front of the hotel. He stood shocked for a long time.

Tears streamed down Husk's face as guilt piled onto him. Why had he let Angel go out that door? He shouldn't have let Angel's comment get to him. He should have followed after him-

No, he needed to focus on what could be done now, not what he should have done.

He ran over to where Angel Dust laid on the ground and was horrified by the blood staining the ground where he lay. Blood had completely stained through where the dress was pressed against Angel Dust's thighs.

The dress in question looked far too big for him. He didn't want to think about what it meant that he wasn't wearing the outfit he left the hotel in. This dress had to be...

The rage returned. How could Valentino do this? All because Angel Dust didn't want to be controlled outside of work?

He picked Angel Dust up bridal style to bring him inside. Angel Dust stirred and when his eyes opened they looked unfocused, and he started to mutter, "Val... I'm sorry... Please..."

Husk's heart shattered, "You're okay... It's going to be okay, Valentino isn't here." He wasn't sure if Angel Dust heard him. He didn't respond, but he was crying and curled in closer to Husk's chest.

Husk carried Angel Dust upstairs and carefully laid him down on his bed.

"I'm going to go get you something to help with your wounds, okay?"

Defiance (Husk x Angel Dust)Where stories live. Discover now