Too Far

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The song by Paranoid DJ in the thumbnail for this chapter heavily influenced my characterization of Vox in this fan fic, I recommend watching it if you haven't seen it!


Vox, with blood on his hands, looking at the cameras, was shaking with anger at Valentino. It was clear Alastor wasn't happy with his actions. Valentino was going to start a war, and for what? Someone who was going to replace him? He was right here. Why couldn't Valentino just see that?

See him.

He stormed into Valentino's room, "Val I've had enough! You're pissing off the radio demon and I'm not going to fight a goddamn war for you that you started!" His voice was starting to get staticky with rage.

Valentino looked at him with an unreadable expression, "Now, Vox, I told you to find someone Angel cared about, it isn't my fault that you picked the radio demon's little pet to torment."

Vox narrowed his eyes at Valentino, "That cat is his boyfriend of course I picked him. And you forget I can read your texts Val! You were threatening Husk long before I got involved in your crap. I did what you wanted! Why can't you just admit it! And why are you willing to go so far for... For a whore!"

"That 'whore' is worth more than you ever will be!"

The room went dead silent. Vox looked at him with wide eyes. Valentino always made it more than clear how he felt about his worth in comparison to Angel Dust, but to hear it out loud felt like getting stabbed in the heart.

"Vox... C'mon you know I didn't mean it-"

"Save it."

Vox slammed the door behind him. Shortly after, he teleported through a nearby camera to his room filled with computers and surveillance. His sanctuary.

And he let out a scream of frustration. Valentino meant so much to him, how could Valentino see him as practically worthless? A means to an end?

They were supposed to be partners, but since Angel Dust left, he has been treated more and more like a servant. He was tired of putting himself in the line of fire for people who clearly didn't give a damn about him.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a camera splutter and then die. He looked to find that the girl with the angelic spear at the hotel was destroying the cameras. He found that he didn't care anymore.

Not even revenge could motivate him anymore. If revenge brought Angel Dust back then things would go back to... Normal... He didn't want that. He wanted Valentino to see him. Really see him. Was that really too much to ask?

He felt like one of Val's workers, getting reeled in by false affection only to get harshly mistreated as soon as he fell in love.

But that isn't how they were, was it? He didn't love him because of a lie. He loved the violent parts of him, and the schemes that they would make together. He has seen every part of Valentino and has been the only one other than Velvette to not desperately want to escape after seeing him at his worst. So why then, did it not matter to Valentino? Why did he still treat him like he was just another person to be trapped with no escape? To be abused. They were supposed to be different.

He heard the door open. The click of familiar heels signaled Valentino had entered. He didn't turn around to face him. He couldn't, and even if he could Valentino didn't deserve to see him right now.


"What?!" Vox demanded, finally turning in his chair. He tried to hide how pained he was mentally, but ultimately failed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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