A Night to Remember

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Sorry it has been so long since updating, this fic is mainly on ao3, but I promise to be more diligent about updating here at the same time as I update on ao3. On the bright side, you get to have a lot of chapters at once! I hope you enjoy!


Husk and Angel Dust were eating breakfast in comfortable silence when Vaggie came down the stairs looking completely downtrodden. Angel Dust looked up for a moment and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then closed it and looked down awkwardly before he continued to eat.

"Can we talk?" Vaggie asked quietly.

"Sure," Husk and Angel said simultaneously.

"Don't you think Charlie should be here for this though?" Husk questioned. Really, they all had important things that they needed to discuss right now.

Vaggie sighed, "She's been holed up in her room all night... I don't have the right to talk to her right now... She needs space."

"And here I was thinking I was the only Angel around here," Angel Dust tried to joke. Vaggie looked away guiltily, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it as an accusation or anything-"

"It's fine... Look there is something I need to tell you guys... About the extermination."

"Listen I really think that Charlie should be here for th-" Husk was saying when suddenly there was a flash of green light throughout the hotel. A chill went down Husk's spine. He would recognize that flash of green from anywhere, he could never forget the light that signified his loss of freedom.


All of their eyes widened in fear, "Charlie!" Vaggie cried out, quickly going upstairs. Angel Dust moved as if to follow, but at Husk's expression of terror he paused.

"Are you alright?"

Husk was noticeably trembling and didn't respond. Angel Dust remembered last night when he probably looked similar and how Husk had put his hands on his shoulders in comfort to ground him. He tried doing the same, gently placing his hands on Husk's shoulders, "Whatever you're thinking about right now, it's over, okay?"

Husk seemed to come back to himself slightly as he responded, "It's not really ever over... It never will be."

Angel Dust pulled Husk into a hug, not knowing what he could say that would help. Husk hugged him back, "Thanks for that."

Unexpectedly, Husk tensed in Angel Dust's arms, "You good, whiskers?"

The sound of static behind him answered that question. Angel Dust let go of Husk and saw his expression wasn't one of fear anymore, but of anger.

"The fuck did you do to Charlie?" Husk practically growled at Alastor.

Angel Dust chuckled awkwardly, stepping in between the two of them, "Let's all just calm down, yeah?" He couldn't help but to fear for Husk. If Angel Dust ever spoke to Valentino like that...

"Yes, Husker, I really do think you ought to calm down, hm?" Alastor's wide smile with narrowed eyes was disconcerting to look at, and it reminded Angel Dust far too much of Valentino's leering smile, "After all, you know as well as anyone that once a deal has been struck there is nothing that you, or anyone else can do to change it," the underhanded remark made both Angel Dust and Husk wince.

"You didn't..?" Husk trailed off.

"Oh, do calm down! She still owns her soul."

Just as Husk looked like he was about to inquire further, Charlie walked down the stairs and Alastor exclaimed, "Ah! Miss Morningstar! Let's go," Alastor didn't elaborate as he grabbed Charlie's hand and the two of them headed for the door.

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